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Reorganization of Knowledge Practices

This research group examines how a reorganization of scientific practices along digital principles can contribute to individual and societal self-determination. New knowledge practices within and outside of the Weizenbaum Institute will be reflected upon drawing on organizational theory with a focus on qualitative research methods in order to design approaches for politics, the economy, and civil society.


In the area of ‘impact’, the tension between the ongoing specialization of science and the need for more comprehensive and engaging science communication is subject of investigation. This research seeks to inform how the intersection of scientific communities and their different audiences can be organized.


The area of ‘interdisciplinarity’ is dedicated to the idea that knowledge about current societal challenges can be gained primarily through such forms of scientific collaboration that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. The research results of this area help to organize such hybrid knowledge practices.


The area of "iteration" examines how digital technologies are changing established workflows of knowledge production and how these changes affect the knowledge produced. In particular, this research is interested in new knowledge practices that rely on ideals of preliminarity and constant editing. The research findings of this area provide guidance on issues related to new knowledge practices, such as open peer review or open educational resources.

People & Patterns

Every Wednesday, "People & Patterns" takes a look at life's big and small questions. Everyday phenomena in our society are explained by Prof. Sascha Friesike, research director at the Weizenbaum Institute. Because thinking makes life more beautiful!

All videos are in German. However, Youtube provides subtitles in many languages.

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New Data, new Knowledge?

The project investigates the digital infrastructures of data collection and analysis of scientific performance and their consequences for the practices of research evaluation and the understanding of scientific practice.

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