Board of Directors
Together with the other Principal Investigators, the Board of Directors advises the Executive Board on issues of outstanding scientific and strategic importance for the Weizenbaum Institute. In addition to participating in the development of the research programme and the implementation of research, the Board of Directors plans and is responsible for the networking of digitization research, dialogue with society and the promotion of young researchers. The Board of Directors is also responsible for the scientific and strategic coordination of the joint research project.
The board of directors of the Weizenbaum Institute is made up of five professors from the participating universities as well as one representative each from the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).
The partners of the Weizenbaum Institute appointed Prof. Dr. Martin Emmer (FU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger (HU Berlin) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schieferdecker (TU Berlin/ Fraunhofer FOKUS) as founding directors for the institute's start-up phase. After successfully completing the establishment of the institute, the management of the institute was handed over to the new board of directors, in which all seven partners are represented, on April 1, 2019.
Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Christoph Neuberger
Scientific Managing Director, Member of the Board, Director, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike
Director, Member of the Board, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski
Director, Member of the Board, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Bettina Berendt
Direktorin, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth
Director, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Hanna Krasnova
Director, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech
Director, Principal Investigator