Prof. Dr. Maximilian Heimstädt
Maximilian Heimstädt is Professor of Business Administration, in particular Digital Governance & Service Design, at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. He is also an associate researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute, where he led the research group “Reorganizing Knowledge Practices” from 2020 to 2024. After completing his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin, he also worked as a postdoc at Witten/Herdecke University and Bielefeld University. In his research he is interested in the relationship between digital technologies and expert work in public organizations and organized publics.
Associate Researcher
Research Focus: Organizing Knowledge
Research Group „Reorganisation of Knowledge Practices“
Fields of Research
- Organizations
- Expertise
- Algorithms
Committees and functions
- Department of Management
- Reinhard Mohn Institute of Management at Witten/Herdecke University
- Civil society and public Authorities
- In a follow-up project, he studied the regulation of “black boxed” algorithmic systems in the New York City administration
More Information
- Researchgate
- Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID):
Social Media
- X: @heimstaedt
- Mastodon:
Selected Publications
Dobusch, L., & Heimstädt, M. (2019). Predatory publishing in management research: A call for open peer review, Management Learning, 50(5), 607-619.
Roth S., Santonen T., Heimstädt M., Clark C., Trofimov N., Kaivo-oja J., Atanesyan A., Laki B., and Sales A. (2019). Multifunctional cabinet portfolio analysis of 201 national governments, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32(6), 621-639.
Heimstädt, M., & Reischauer, G. (2018). Framing innovation practices in interstitial issue fields: Open innovation in the NYC administration. Innovation: Organization & Management. 21(1), 128-150.
Heimstädt, M., & Dobusch, L. (2017). Politics of disclosure: Organizational transparency as multi-actor negotiation. Public Administration Review, 78(5), 727-738.
Heimstädt, M. (2017). Openwashing: A decoupling perspective on organizational transparency. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 125, 77-86.
Heimstädt, M. (2015). Societal self-observation in the time of datafication: Interfunctional analysis of the Chilean open data web portal. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 22(4), 57-73.
Heimstädt, M., Saunderson, F., & Heath, T. (2014). From toddler to teen: Growth of an open data ecosystem. eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, 6(2), 123-135.