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Open Access Publication Fund

The Weizenbaum Institute's Open Access (OA) Publication Fund supports WI authors by paying publication fees in part or in full for OA publications.

The central Open Access (OA) Publication Fund primarily finances publications by institute members that meet the following funding criteria and whose costs cannot be met at research group level. Deviations from the following awarding criteria are possible in justified cases.

For a successful application, you should at least read the key relevant sections on the following topics: General funding criteria, Funding criteria for journal articles, Funding criteria for books. If you have any further questions regarding funding through the central fund, we would be happy to advise you personally. Please send us an email: openaccess[at]

Funding Criteria

General Funding Criteria

In line with industry-wide standards, the following criteria are applied when financing publications through the WI OA Fund.

Funding criteria for journal articles

In addition to the general funding criteria, other criteria are used to fund journal articles.

Funding criteria for books

In addition to the general funding criteria, other criteria are used to fund books.


To apply for funding from the WI Publication Fund, please fill out the online form.

Transparency: Weizenbaum Library and Open APC

Following publication, publications that have received funding from the Publication Fund can also be found in the Weizenbaum Library, the WI’s OA repository.

After the end of the year, the funding costs incurred are documented for each article or book on the Open APC platform, where universities and non-university research institutes share their expenditure data for OA publication fees openly and in visual formats. This enables the scientific community and society to participate in the public discussion about the transition in scholarly publishing in the context of OA transformation, which means the platform fulfils one of our institute’s core objectives.

Advisory Services

If you have any questions about the funding criteria and the application process, we will be happy to advise you personally. Just send us an e-mail: openaccess[at]

Reference Guide

All important information can also be found in our reference guide, which we provide to you here as a download.