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Policy Papers

Weizenbaum Policy Papers encompass scientifically grounded statements, position papers, and briefings concerning contemporary policy matters and decision-making procedures. Contributions examine areas of concern, delineate positions supported by evidence, and offer recommendations in the realms of politics, business, and civil society.

Stellungnahme zum BMBF-Eckpunktepapier für ein Forschungsdatengesetz

The Weizenbaum Institute welcomes the key issues paper on the Research Data Act presented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In order for it to be effective for the benefit of the general public, it should be appropriate to the needs of publicly funded research. With this statement, the Weizenbaum Institute is making a contribution to this.
Dietmar Kammerer, Sonja Schimmler, Kaltrina Shala, Julian Vuorimäki

What the Scientific Community Needs from Data Access under Art. 40 DSA

Ulrike Klinger, Jakob Ohme

Was die Wissenschaft im Rahmen des Datenzugangs nach Art. 40 DSA braucht

Ulrike Klinger, Jakob Ohme

Delegated Regulation on Data Access Provided for the Digital Services Act

Ulrike Klinger, Jakob Ohme

Submission of Views on Issues for Further Consideration for Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources

Weizenbaum Institute

Ein Dateninstitut für Deutschland: Stellungnahme des Weizenbaum-Instituts

Zohar Efroni, Hans-Christian Gräfe, Prisca von Hagen et al.

Access and Benefit-Sharing on Digital Sequence Information

Irma Klünker

A Digital Euro for the EU

Martin Florian, Ingolf G.A. Pernice

Position Paper Regarding Data Act

Zohar Efroni, Prisca von Hagen, Lisa Völzmann et al.

Stellungnahme zum Entwurf des Digitalisierungsgesetzes der Landesregierung Schleswig-Holstein

Ferdinand Müller, Alexandra Keiner, Finn Schädlich et al.