Weizenbaum-Institut e.V.
The Weizenbaum-Institut e. V. is an independent research institution. At the same time, it is the central hub of the research network structure.
Nine of the Weizenbaum Institute's 16 research groups are currently part of the association. The Weizenbaum Digital Science Center, which bundles the Institute's research activities beyond the research groups and provides orientation and infrastructure services, is also part of the Weizenbaum-Institut e.V. Of the seven other research groups, one is affiliated with each of the association partners. In addition, the association, which also includes the research support areas of the Weizenbaum Institute, acts as the network coordinator.
The purpose of the Weizenbaum-Institut e.V. is, according to its statutes, to promote science and research in relation to the Internet as a socio-economic-technical construct in order to enable and promote a comprehensive understanding of the digitally networked society in the interest of the general public. To this end, the Weizenbaum-Institut e.V. carries out research projects, promotes the transfer of scientific knowledge to all areas of society, organizes events to strengthen interdisciplinarity and knowledge transfer in politics, business and society, promotes networking with partner institutions from science and research and carries out measures to promote young scientists and international exchange.
Download the association statutes.
Managing Board
The Managing Board of the Weizenbaum-Institut e.V. is responsible, among other things, for the further development of the Institute's strategy in cooperation with the Board of Directors and the other bodies of the Weizenbaum-Institut, the further development and implementation of the concept for the continuation of the Institute together with the Board of Directors and the bodies of the Weizenbaum-Institut, the external representation of the Weizenbaum Institute, the leading coordination of cooperation within the Weizenbaum Research Network, as well as communication and reporting to the members and the Board of Trustees of the Weizenbaum-Institut e.V.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Neuberger
Scientific Managing Director, Member of the Board, Director, Principal Investigator
Dr. Ricarda Opitz
Administrative Managing Director, Member of the Board
Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike
Director, Member of the Board, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski
Director, Member of the Board, Principal Investigator