Organizing Knowledge
Between Openness and Exclusivity
Within this research focus we deal with questions about the workplace, the education system, and science. Above all we examine questions of openness and exclusion in the processing and organization of data and knowledge. In doing so, we draw on perspectives from computer science, business informatics, sociology, and innovation research.
Within this research focus we deal with questions about the workplace, the education system, and science. Above all we examine questions of openness and exclusion in the processing and organization of data and knowledge.In doing so, we draw on perspectives from computer science, business informatics, sociology, and innovation research.
The way knowledge is developed, used, and disseminated is changing in the course of digitalization. Therefore, new forms of generating, interpreting and using data play a central role, for example with regard to social media, artificial intelligence, and big data. These developments lead to frictions between openness and exclusivity, both in terms of access to knowledge and in terms of the possibilities for processing it. Creating new opportunities for data-based knowledge development also means creating new problems of control and the distribution of power.
Research Groups
Working with Artificial Intelligence
The research group investigates how work is changing through the use of AI. A particular focus is on companies that are confronted with new requirements for innovation, organization and the linking of knowledge bases. To what extent are new forms of human-machine interactions emerging? Which competencies are coming to the fore? How must companies transform themselves in order to successfully apply AI?
Reorganization of Knowledge Practices
This research group examines how a reorganization of scientific practices along digital principles can contribute to individual and societal self-determination. New knowledge practices within and outside of the Weizenbaum Institute will be reflected upon drawing on organizational theory with a focus on qualitative research methods in order to design approaches for politics, the economy, and civil society.
Digitalization and Opening up Science
The group researches the digitalization and opening up of science and actively shapes it. Its current focus is on data infrastructures and data tools for interdisciplinary and data-intense research.
Education for the Digital World
The research group “Education for the Digital World: Technologies, Competencies, Paradigm Shifts“ focuses on the requirements for developing and designing digital teaching and learning processes and the possibilities and limits of individualization in education. The use of new technologies, especially AI, is researched from a theoretical and application-oriented perspective.
Principal Investigators of this Research Focus
Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike
Director, Member of the Board, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth
Director, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski
Director, Member of the Board, Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer
Associate Principal Investigator