Qualification program in digitalization research
The three German institutes for digitalization research - the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) and the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) - offer their doctoral students and postdocs a joint, interdisciplinary continuing education programme.
The QPD aims to promote fundamental skills in digitalization research.
In four modules, events are offered on central topics and methods of digitization research, in which interested parties can acquire a broad knowledge of the research field and benefit from the knowledge and skills of the experts from the participating institutes. With the knowledge they acquire, they will be able to talk about digitalization topics and receive the necessary tools for their own research and its public communication.
After completing the qualification programme and successfully completing one or more modules, researchers will have solid basic knowledge that will make them particularly qualified to carry out activities related to digitalization both within and outside academia. Participation in the QPD is voluntary.
The three institutes issue a joint certificate for each module, which guarantees the quality of the courses attended.
The certificates document the skills acquired and can be used as proof in both academic and non-academic contexts.
Background: Career network
Through cooperation with other digitalization research institutions, the Weizenbaum Institute networks its researchers in Germany, Europe and the world.
Since fall 2020, the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) and the Weizenbaum Institute have been involved in a working group on academic career development. In February 2021, the collaboration was also formally confirmed by a cooperation agreement.
In addition to the joint planning and implementation of events such as the DigiMeet and the QPD, the establishment of a pool of trainers, mutual participation in qualification programs and networking measures for researchers are planned for the future.The following are currently permanent members of the working group:
- Maria Staudte (bidt)
- Nina Hahne (CAIS)
- Claudia Oellers (WI)
- Ramona Picenoni (WI)