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Policy Roundtable

Our policy roundtables bring together policy makers, scientists, and experts to discuss the regulation of digital technologies.

In 2022 and 2023, the Weizenbaum Institute, in collaboration with the Dutch NGO ALLAI, organized a series of policy roundtables on the currently discussed EU AI Act. These discussions aimed not only to explore the scope of the law but also to address requirements for high-risk AI, roles and responsibilities, and, notably, the specific prohibitions outlined in the AI regulation. Political stakeholders and a broad audience of experts engaged in open discussions about the implications of the AI Act, raising questions and concerns, expanding their understanding of the law to sharpen their positions.

Researchers from the Weizenbaum Institute, MIT, Oxford Internet Institute, ALLAI, and other research institutions provided their insights and contextualized expertise on the technology regulation political initiatives for the participants.  These policy roundtables proved to be an effective format for establishing new connections among researchers, policy experts, and decision-makers, forming a diverse network capable of shaping future policy recommendations for digital issues.

Ou policy roundtables are available in German only.

KI-Verordnung: Wege zur Umsetzung

Gemeinsam mit der Bertelsmann Stiftung veranstalten wir eine Dialogreihe zur Umsetzung der KI-Verordnung. Darin werden Expert:innen und Vertreter:innen aus Wissenschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft die wichtigsten Bestandteile der KI-Verordnung vertiefen und Umsetzungsoptionen aufzeigen.

Zur Dialogreihe

Policy Roundtable 2022

Im Jahr 2022 und 2023 veranstaltete das Weizenbaum-Institut gemeinsam mit der niederländischen NGO ALLAI eine Reihe von Policy-Rountables zum aktuell in der EU diskutierten AI Act.

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