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Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer

Associate Principal Investigator
Thomas Schildhauer


Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer has been managing director of the Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung (ZIW) (Central Institute for Continuing Education) since 2007. The ZIW bundles the continuing education offerings of the UdK Berlin under the aegis of the UdK Berlin Career College. As a computer scientist, marketing expert and internet researcher, he brings extensive expertise to the Weizenbaum Institute. In 1999, Thomas Schildhauer founded the largest affiliated institute of the UdK, the Institute of Electronic Business (IEB), and has been its director ever since.

In his position as managing director of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Thomas Schildhauer conducts transdisciplinary research on the topic of Internet-enabled innovation. Since 2013, he has also chaired the Rat der Internetweisen, an expert group of Internet specialists who serve the IEB as a scholarly advisory body. In 2014 Thomas Schildhauer was appointed a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. Since 2017 he has been Principal Investigator at the Einstein Center Digital Future.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Associate Principal Investigator (PI) since 15 September 2022

Research Group „Reorganisation of Knowledge Practices“


Principal Investigator (PI) until 14 September 2022

Research Group „Data-Driven Business Model Innovations

Research Group „Inequality and Digital Sovereignty

Committees and functions

  • Professor at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), department of Electronic Business with a focus on marketing
  • Managing Director of the Central Institute for Continuing Education at the Berlin University of the Arts
  • Director of the Institute of Electronic Business at the Berlin University of the Arts
  • Research director at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
  • Board of the Foundation for Internet and Society
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Skubch&Company GmbH
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Neuem GmbH
  • Member of the Advisory Board, EDUMode Software GmbH
  • Member of the Supervisory Board, equeo GmbH
  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Bluechip Computer AG
  • Member of the Supervisory Board, cbe AG
  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Stone One AG
  • Principal Investigator at Einstein Center Digital Future
  • Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  • Member of the research board for Industry 4.0, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Co-spokesperson of the Interdisciplinary Research Group for Science Communication, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)

Fields of research

  • Digital Business Innovation
  • Internet Enabled Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship Forschung
  • Digital Marketing/Social Media
  • Social Collaboration/Enterprise 2.0
  • Crowdsourcing/Open Innovation



2014 – 2017
dwerft – Verbundprojekt 4 und 5 (BMBF):
4: Distributionstechnologien; Nutzerseitige Impulse zur Entwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen,
5: Zukunftsforschung und Wissenstransfer; Erforschung zukünftiger sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen im A/V-Wirtschaftszweig

2014 – 2017
DigiMediaL – Digitalisierung der Musikwirtschaft  (EFRE):
Profilbildung für Musik, Schauspiel & Bühne:

HELD – Innovationsdramaturgie nach dem Heldenprinzip (BMBF)

Intelligente Objekte im wirtschaftlichen und privaten Alltag: Stand der Forschung – Chancen für Deutschland (BMBF/acatech)



Schildhauer, T., Flum, T. & Voss, H. (2016).  Weiterbildung im Kontext der Wirtschaft 4.0. Controlling, 28 (4-5), 266-272.

Richter, N./Schildhauer, T./Neumann, K./Volquartz, L. (2016): Fostering and hindering factors — success of early stage internet-enabled startups. Berlin: HIIG Discussion Paper Series 2016(04).

Michelis, D. & Schildhauer, T. (Hrsg.) (2015). Social Media Handbuch. Theorien, Methoden, Modelle und Praxis (3. akt. u. erw. Aufl.). Baden-Baden.

Schildhauer, T. & Stumpp, S. (2015). Onlinepartizipation für den und mit dem modernen Verbraucher. In M. Freytag (Hrsg.), Verbrauchervertrauen – Die neue vernetzte Welt: Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und Kunden (S. 252-263). Frankfurt am Main.

Friesike, S. & Schildhauer, T. (2014). Open Science: Many good resolutions, very few incentives, yet. In I. M. Welpe, J. Wollersheim, S. Ringelhan & M. Osterloh (Hrsg.). Incentives and Performance – Governance of Research Organizations (S. 277-290). Cham u.a.


Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin Career College, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
+49 30 3185 2085

