AI and Surveillance at the Border – “The technology doesn't actually work at all”
Weizenbaum Distinguished Fellow Petra Molnar spoke to us about expensive border technology that does nothing but harm, and how we can bring back humanity into the conversation about migration.
10.09.2024 -
Contemporary Research on Far-Right Politics
The far-right is on the rise in Europe and abroad. A group of young social scientist is researching their methods, narratives and alliances. We were allowed to sit in on one of their workshops.
29.08.2024 -
„Es ist denkbar, dass wir Mitglied digitaler Gemeinschaften sind, von denen wir nichts wissen“
Digitale Gemeinschaften sind bisher noch weitgehend unerforscht und der Begriff ist für viele umstritten. Im Interview mit dem Soziologen Robert Seyfert sprachen wir darüber, ob echte Gemeinschaften überhaupt digital entstehen können, und was sie mit Social Media Algorithmen zu tun haben.
Research Foci
Digital Technologies in Society
In this research focus, the connection between digitalization, participation and inequality is to be researched, the use of digital technologies for participation opportunities is to be tested and interventions against new inequalities are to be made. To this end, perspectives from business informatics, design research and computer science will be brought together.
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Digital Markets and Public Spheres on Platforms
In recent years, markets and publics have emerged on digital platforms, which are investigated in the four research groups of the focus area. Normatively, these platforms are in tension between public good orientation and economic imperatives. For their investigation, the perspectives of communication science, political science, economics, and computer science are brought together.
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Organizing Knowledge
Within this research focus we deal with questions about the workplace, the education system, and science. Above all we examine questions of openness and exclusion in the processing and organization of data and knowledge. In doing so, we draw on perspectives from computer science, business informatics, sociology, and innovation research.
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Digital Infrastructures in Democracy
This research focus examines the development of digital infrastructures and the resulting structural change in society. Special attention is given to tensions between security and freedom from the perspectives of law, sociology, computer science, and political science.
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Weizenbaum Digital Science Center
With the new Weizenbaum Digital Science Center, the Weizenbaum Institute establishes scientific offerings that create research, networking, orientation, and infrastructure services for interdisciplinary digitalization research and strengthen the coherence of research at the Weizenbaum Institute.
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09.09.2024 - 04.11.2024
17:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr | online
The Data Workers` Inquiry Speakers Series
Behind the glossy veneer of AI lies a hidden workforce of data workers who form the backbone of this technological revolution. In this series of events, data workers speak out about different aspects of their work.
18.09.2024 - 09.07.2025
14:00 Uhr - 15:30 Uhr
KI-Verordnung: Wege zur Umsetzung. Eine Dialogreihe.
Gemeinsam mit der Bertelsmann Stiftung veranstalten wir eine Dialogreihe zur Umsetzung der KI-Verordnung. Darin werden Expert:innen und Vertreter:innen aus Wissenschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft die wichtigsten Bestandteile der KI-Verordnung vertiefen und Umsetzungsoptionen aufzeigen.
23.09.2024 - 26.09.2024
Berlin, detailed information on location and schedule will follow soon
PhD Summer School 2024: Gender, AI and Inclusive Work
The summer school is a joint project between the Weizenbaum Institute and FES Future of Work and takes place annually. The number of places is limited to a maximum of 16 PhD students from Social Science or related disciplines. The selection of participants is based on peer review and the excellence…
18:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr | Weizenbaum Institute, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin
Distinguished Lecture
The Politics of Unpaid Labour
This distinguished lecture by Prof. Dr. Valeria Pulignano focuses on how the study of unpaid labour can help address inequality in precarious work.