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Career Development

Supporting academic careers is one of the core tasks of the Weizenbaum Institute. We advise and support doctoral researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and research group leaders according to the individual requirements in their respective career fields.

Current offers for career development

We strengthen the methodological, (non-)academic, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral skills of our doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with recurring and changing continuing education programs.

In addition to cooperating with our partners and other organizations, the Institute organizes a phase-specific, practice- and demand-oriented curriculum for its doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.

The content of the continuing education measures is based on the following fields of activity:

  • Teaching theories and methods
  • Teaching key academic qualifications
  • Teaching interdisciplinary skills and industry expertise
  • Career development within and outside academia

Kommende Veranstaltungen

19.09.2024 - 20.09.2024

online, both days start at 10 am and end at 1 pm




Workshop for Module 1 (QPD): AI visions – understanding how artificial intelligence is culturally imagined

Artificial intelligence (AI) narratives shape public perceptions, expectations, and fears by providing answers to the questions: What is AI capable of? What is its nature? How does and how will it develop?

14.10.2024 - 15.10.2024

CAIS, Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2a, 44801 Bochum


DigiSem: Digital Freedom – Autonomy, Wellbeing and Participation

The Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), the Leibniz Institute for Media Research – Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) and the Weizenbaum Institute (WI) invite doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to discuss their work and exchange…


13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr | Weizenbaum Institute, Room: A0_02 (no registration needed!)


Thursday Lunch Lecture

The Joy of Science

In this edition of the Thursday Lunch Lecture with Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech, we look at the main messages of the book "Joy of Science" and discuss the extent to which they apply to our daily scientific work.


13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr | online


Thursday Lunch Lecture

An introduction to Zotero

This Lunch Lecture with Dietmar Kammerer will be held online and is aimed at researchers with no or basic knowledge of Zotero.


09:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr | Weizenbaum-Institut, Flexraum



Karriereentwicklung innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft

Ziel dieses Workshops ist es, Fragen rund um das Thema Karriere innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft zu beantworten und Handlungsimpulse zu geben.


09:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr | online



Lektüreseminar für Modul 1 (QPD, Basis Segment): Digitale Innovation – Erforschen, Kritisieren, Designen und Regulieren

Digitale Innovationen durchdringen nahezu jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens und haben tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf Kultur, Wirtschaft und Politik. Das Lektüreseminar hat zum Ziel, „digitale Innovation“ als eine solche Perspektive anhand von vier verschiedenen Dimensionen greifbar und für die…

22.11.2024 - 05.12.2024

12:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr | online (Zoom)



Veranstaltungsreihe: Medientraining für Forschende

Am 22. und 28. November sowie am 5. Dezember 2024 bieten wir jeweils von 12:00 bis 14:00 Uhr ein Medienträning (online) für unsere Wissenschaftler:innen an.


09:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr | online



Lektüreseminar für Modul 1 (QPD, Basis Segment): Digitale Innovation – Erforschen, Kritisieren, Designen und Regulieren

Digitale Innovationen durchdringen nahezu jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens und haben tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf Kultur, Wirtschaft und Politik. Das Lektüreseminar hat zum Ziel, „digitale Innovation“ als eine solche Perspektive anhand von vier verschiedenen Dimensionen greifbar und für die…

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Contact for career development

If you have any questions about career development at the Weizenbaum Institute, please contact Stephanie Bouré, Career Development Officer.

Career Development Officer

Career Development Working Group

The Career Development Working Group (WG) advises and supports scientists at the Weizenbaum Institute in all career areas.

Go to Career Development Working Group
  • Research Day

    The Research Day offers all researchers - especially doctoral students and postdocs - a platform to present research results and project ideas within the institute.

    Learn more
  • Research Retreat

    The one-week research retreat is a retreat for concentrated work on the dissertation, habilitation or joint projects and takes place once a year.

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  • Thursday Lunch Series

    In addition to these formats, the Thursday Lunch Series is a regular short format in which researchers can meet regularly to discuss specific topics, receive short training sessions or obtain input from guests.

  • DigiSem

    The biennial digitization research seminar (DigiSem) offers doctoral and postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to work on a research topic in an interdisciplinary context with experienced experts from the three leading German Internet institutes (WI, bidt, CAIS).

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  • DigiMeet

    The Digitalization Research and Network Meeting (DigiMeet) offers doctoral and postdoctoral researchers an English-language, international platform for presenting research results and networking.

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    The aim of the Weizenbaum Early Career Researcher Support is to give all young researchers the opportunity to come into contact with established and experienced researchers during their time at the WI and to learn from them.

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Qualification program in digitalization research

The digitalization research qualification programme of the three German institutes for digitalization research offers doctoral students and postdocs a joint, interdisciplinary continuing education programme to promote basic skills and impart qualifications. Certificates can be obtained for each of the four modules.

More about QPD
  • Guidelines for Research Groups

    Excellent research, interdisciplinarity, the promotion of young scientists and a focus on dialog and transfer - these guidelines translate our basic values for the work in the research groups.

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  • Guiding Principles for Doctoral Rearchers

    In this mission statement, recommendations and proposals are formulated to link the doctoral phase with the fundamental values of openness, participation, transfer, diversity and internationality. In this way, an interdisciplinary and international Weizenbaum research culture is to be structurally strengthened.

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  • Guidelines for Doctoral Student Supervision

    The guidelines for doctoral student supervision are intended to present the cooperation between doctoral students and their supervisors in a practical and everyday manner. They address essential elements of the dissertation cycle from the start to the defense and publication.

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