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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau

Principal Investigator


Norbert Gronau (University of Potsdam) studied mechanical engineering and business administration at the TU Berlin. He received his doctorate in 1994 from the Department of Computer Science at the TU Berlin. Until March 2000, he was head of the Teaching and Research Group for Production-Oriented Business Informaticsat the Institute for Business Informatics of the TU Berlin. There, he habilitated in October 2000 in the field of business informatics. In the summer semester 2000, he provisionally held the professorship of business informatics at the University of Oldenburg. In the winter semester 2000/2001, he was appointed to this professorship, which he held until March 2004.

Since April 2004, he has held the chair at the University of Potsdam. His research interests include industry 4.0 and digitalization, operational knowledge and skills management, and adaptable ERP systems.

He is a founder and co-editor of scientific journals, the author of numerous scientific publications and has authored and edited several books. He is also a research fellow at Stellenbosch University (South Africa).


Principal Investigator (PI), Research Group: Education for the Digital World


Universität Potsdam
+49 331 977 3322

Fields of Research

Norbert Gronau conducts research on:

  • Industry 4.0 and digitalization
  • Operational knowledge and competence management
  • ERP systems

More Projects


  • 2016-2018: K4 – Ein DFG-Forschungsprojekt über Komplexität, Kompetenz, Klebrigkeit und Konversionen

  • 2009-2013: LUPO – Leistungsfähigkeitsbeurteilung unabhängiger Produktionsobjekte

  • 2014-2016: Open Darkness- Dark Side of Open Innovation

  • 2012-2014: Qubis – Qualitätsbewertung betrieblicher Prozesse durch Usability

  • 2013-2015: PMSaisonal – Performance Measurement zur Beherrschung saisonaler Effekte in Lieferketten durch Wandlungsfähigkeit  

  • 2014-2017: AQUA-IT-Lab – Labor für IT-Sicherheit bei Wasserversorgern

Committees and functions

  • Professor at the University of Potsdam, Chair of Information Systems, Processes and Systems
  • Member of the Board of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation e. V. (Scientific Society for Work and Business Organization)
  • Spokesman of the Board of the Institute for Information Systems and Digital Society e. V.
  • Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Selected Publications


Gronau N, Ullrich A, Vladova G (2015) Prozessbezogene und visionäre Weiterbildungskonzepte im Kontext Industrie 4.0. In: Lehren und Lernen für die moderne Arbeitswelt. GITO-Verlag (Berlin), S. 125-143.

Gronau N, Ullrich A, Bender B (2017) Anwendungszentrum Industrie 4.0 - Szenariobasiertes Lernen im Industrial Internet of Things-Labor. In: Gronau N (Hrsg) Industrial Internet of Things in der Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation. GITO-Verlag (Berlin), S. 1-24.

Gronau N, Ullrich A, Teichmann M (2017) Development of the Industrial IoT Competences in the Areas of Organization, Process, and Interaction based on the Learning Factory Concept. Procedia Manufacturing 9C. Elsevier. S. 294-301.

Gronau N, Ullrich A (2019) Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung – Implikationen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Transformation und betriebliche Weiterbildung. Logistik im Wandel der Zeit – Von der Produktionssteuerung zu vernetzten Supply Chains. Springer (Wiesbaden), S. 471-493.

Teichmann M, Ullrich A, Bender B, Gronau N (2018) Mobile IIoT-Technologien in hybriden Lernfabriken - Szenariobasierte Entwicklung von Handlungskompetenz im Anwendungszentrum Industrie 4.0. Industrie 4.0 Management, 2018(3), S. 21-24.

Teichmann M, Ullrich A, Gronau N (2019) Subject-oriented learning - A new perspective for vocational training in learning factories. Procedia Manufacturing 31C. Elsevier. S. 72-78.

Teichmann M, Ullrich A, Kotarski D, Gronau N (2019) Herausforderungen altersgerechter Weiterbildung. Potenziale mobiler IIoT-Technologien im arbeitsgebundenem Lernen. Industrie 4.0 Management, 2019(2), S. 23-26.

Ullrich A, Enke J, Teichmann M, Kreß A, Gronau N (2019) Audit - and then what? A roadmap for digitization of learning factories. Procedia Manufacturing 31C. Elsevier.

