Dr. Philip Wotschack
Philip Wotschack is research group lead in the research group “Working with Artificial Intelligence”. His research interest is primarily focused on issues of AI, work, and organizations, and related changes in co-determination, training and personnel development.
Philip Wotschack has joined the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in 2018. He has a PhD in Behavioural and Social Sciences from the University of Groningen. Since 2005 he has been researcher at the WZB Social Science Center. He was leading the research project ‘Company-provided further training for the labor market integration of low-skilled workers’ funded by the German Research Foundation and worked for the European research project “Democracy at Work through Inclusive Algorithmic Management” funded by the European Commission.
Recent work was published in Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Soziale Welt, European Societies, Social Politics, and The British Journal of Industrial Relations. Philip Wotschack is also one of the heads in the doctoral program “Good work in a Transformative Work” at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. He is scientific editor of the “Datenreport – ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland” and member of the scientific advisory board of the project „Zentrum Digitale Arbeit”, which is part of the program „Zukunftszentren“ funded by the BMAS.
Research Group Lead
Research Group: Work with Artificial Intelligence
Fields of Research
Issues of co-determination regarding AI in organizations, AI in HR and personnel development
Sociology of work & organizations, working with AI, work-related training and lifelong learning, social inequality
More Projects
Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management
Since 2019
Lernen mit digitalen Assistenzsystemen
Betriebliche Weiterbildungsteilnahme und -erträge von gering qualifizierten Beschäftigten, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Betriebliche Arbeitszeit- und Qualifizierungspolitik im Lebensverlauf, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Committees and functions
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the project "Zentrum Digitale Arbeit", which is part of the program „Zukunftszentren“ funded by the BMAS
- Head of two thematic areas in the doctoral program “Good work in a Transformative Work” at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Scientific aditor of the “Datenreport - ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland” at WZB Berlin Social Science Center
More Information
Research Gate: Philip Wotschack
Selected Publications
Selection before 2019
Wotschack, Philip (2017): "Unter welchen Bedingungen bilden Betriebe an- und ungelernte Beschäftigte weiter? Eine institutionentheoretische Untersuchung auf Basis von Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels". In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 46, H. 5, S. 362-380.
Wotschack, Philip (2017): "Leave Saving Options over the Life Course – only for the Highly Skilled? Evidence from Two German Best-Practice Companies". In: European Societies, Vol. 19, No. 4, S. 396-418.
Wotschack, Philip/Solga, Heike (2014): "Betriebliche Weiterbildung für benachteiligte Gruppen. Förderliche Bedingungskonstellationen aus institutionentheoretischer Sicht". In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie, Jg. 24, H. 3, S. 367-395.
Wotschack, Philip/Glebbeek, Arie/Wittek, Rafael (2014): "Strong Boundary Control, Weak Boundary Control and Tailor-made Solutions. The Role of Household Governance Structures in Work-Family Time Allocation and Mismatch". In: Community, Work & Family, Vol. 17, No. 4, S. 436-455.
Wotschack, Philip (2012): "Keine Zeit für die Auszeit. Lebensarbeitszeit als Aspekt sozialer Ungleichheit". In: Soziale Welt - Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Jg. 63, H. 1, S. 25-44.
Wotschack, Philip/Scheier, Franziska/Schulte-Braucks, Philipp/Solga, Heike (2011): "Zeit für Lebenslanges Lernen. Neue Ansätze der betrieblichen Arbeitszeit- und Qualifizierungspolitik". In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 64, H. 10, S. 541-547.