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Mareile Kaufmann, Ph.D.

Former Research Fellow


Mareile holds a Ph.D. in Criminology from Hamburg University. Her Ph.D. examines security practices and concepts of resilience in societies that are connected to the Internet. She has been a doctoral student and senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo, where she still holds a minor position. Her post-doctoral project at the University of Oslo (IKRS) investigates how digital technologies and practices influence ideas about crime. She looks at dataveillance and prediction algorithms, but also about practices of playing with and interrogating digital veillance.

Mareile edits special issues regularly. She has ample experience in international research projects on security and technology. She co-leads the working group "Digital Matters" at the Nordic Center of Excellence for Security Technologies and Societal Values and she is the head of the Critical Data Network. Mareile is the author of Resilience, Emergencies and the Internet: Security In-Formation (Routledge).  
At the Weizenbaum Institute she will be part of the groups Quantification and Social Regulation, as well as Democracy and Digitalisation in June and July 2019.



Research Fellow:

Research Group "Democracy and Digitalisation"

Research Group "Quantification and Social Regulation"

June - July 2019


University of Oslo

Selected Publications


Kaufmann, Mareile (forthcoming) “Now you see me - now you don’t!” – Practices and purposes of hacking online surveillance. Mediatization Studies. Special Issue on “Surveillance, encryption and privacy”.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2019). Who connects the dots? Agents and agency in predictive policing, In Marijn Hoijtink & Matthias Leese (eds.): Technology and Agency in International Relations.  Routledge.  Chapter 7. 141–163.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Digital Data and Value. Governmental Risk-Narratives of Hacking in India and the US. Technoculture 8.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patters. British Journal of Criminology 59(3):  674–692.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) Programming and editing resilience? In: Henrik Syse (ed.), Norge etter 22. juli: Forhandlinger om verdier, identiteter og et motstandsdyktig samfunn. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 177–191. (English Chapter in Norwegian Book titled: Negotiations on values, identities and a resilient society)

Kaufmann, Mareile (2018) The co-construction of crime predictions: Dynamics between digital data, software and human beings. In: Nicholas R. Fyfe, Helene Ingebrigtsen Gundhus & Kira Vrist Rønn (eds.) Moral Issues in Intelligence-led Policing. London, New York: Routledge. 143–160.

Kaufmann, Mareile & Jeandesboz, Julien (2017) Politics and 'the digital': From singularity to specificity, European Journal of Social Theory 20(3): 309–328.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2016) The Digitization of Resilience. In: David Chandler & Jon Coaffee (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience, London: Routledge. 106–118.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2016) Drone/Body – The Drone’s Power to Sense and Construct Emergencies. In: Kristin Bergtora Sandvik & Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert (eds.) The Rise of the Good Drone, London: Ashgate. 168–194.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2015) Resilience governance and ecosystemic space: a critical perspective on the EU approach to Internet security, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 33(3): 512–527.

Kaufmann, Mareile (2015) Resilience 2.0: Social media and (self-)care after 2011 Norway attacks, Media, Culture and Society 37(7): 972–987.

Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora, Gabrielsen Jumbert, Maria, Karlsrud, Jon & Mareile Kaufmann (2014) Humanitarian technology: a critical research agenda, International Review of the Red Cross 96 (893): 219–242.