Laurens Naudts
Laurens Naudts is a Doctoral Researcher at the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law. His research focuses on the interrelationship between artificial intelligence, ethics, justice, fairness and the law. In his doctoral research, Laurens reconsiders, and evaluates, the notions of equality (as a principle of justice) and data protection, and their potential for governing algorithmic differentiation and algorithmically guided decision-making.
Laurens is an affiliated member of the KU Leuven Working Group on Philosophy of Technology. As a researcher, he has also been actively involved in several national and EU funded (FP7 and H2020) research projects.
Froschungsgruppen 6 und 20
Juli - September 2020
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Laurens Naudts, How Machine Learning Generates Unfair Inequalities and How Data Protection Instruments May Help in Mitigating Them; in R. Leenes, R. van Brakel, S. Gutwirth & P. De Hert (Authors), Data Protection and Privacy: The Internet of Bodies (Computers, Privacy and Data Protection), Hart Publishing, 2019; available also via:
Anton Vedder & Laurens Naudts (2017): Accountability for the use of algorithms in a big data environment, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/13600869.2017.1298547; available also via:
Naudts, Laurens, Fair or Unfair Algorithmic Differentiation? Luck Egalitarianism As a Lens for Evaluating Algorithmic Decision-Making. (August 18, 2017). Available also via : or