Michal Gal
Michal Gal (LL.B., LL.M., S.J.D.) ist Professorin und Direktorin des Zentrums für Recht und Technologie an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Haifa, Israel, und gewählte Präsidentin der International Academic Society for Competition Law Scholars (ASCOLA). Sie war Gastprofessorin an der NYU, der Columbia University, der University of Chicago, Georgetown, Melbourne, der National University of Singapore und Bocconi. Prof. Gal ist Autorin mehrerer Bücher, darunter Competition Policy for Small Market Economies (Harvard University Press). Darüber hinaus war sie u. a. als Beraterin für mehrere internationale Organisationen (einschließlich OECD, UNCTAD) in Fragen des Wettbewerbsrechts tätig und war Nicht-Regierungsberaterin des International Competition Network (ICN).
Weitere Projekte
Forschungsprojekte (Stand Juli 2022)
- The Effects of Legal Data Regimes on Data Flows: EU, US, China, Israel
- The effects of Algorithms on Competition and competition policy (including algorithmic cartels)
- The interaction between IP, Competition, and Data Protection in the DIgital Sphere
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Auswahl relevanter Publikationen
Dan Rubinfeld and Michal S. Gal, “Access Barriers to Big Data” 59(2) Arizona L. Rev. (2017)
Michal S. Gal and Niva Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 309 (2017)
Michal S. Gal, “Algorithms as Coordination-Facilitators: Potential Legal and Market Solutions,” Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, May 2017.
Michal S. Gal, “Algorithmic Challenges to Autonomous Choice,” 25(1) Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review 59 (2018)
Michal S. Gal, “Algorithms as Illegal Agreements”, 34 (1) Berkeley Technology Law Journal (2018)
Niva Elkin-Koren and Michal S. Gal, “The Chilling Effects of Governance by Data” (2018) 86 University of Chicago L. Rev.
Michal S. Gal and Daniel Rubinfeld, “Data Standardization: Interoperability and Portability in an Interconnected World” NYU L. Rev. (2019)
Michal S. Gal and Oshrit Aviv, “The Competitive Effects of the GDPR”, Journal of Competition Law and Economics (2020).
Michal S. Gal and Nicolas Petit, “Radical Restorative Remedies for Digital Markets,” forthcoming, 37(1) Berkeley Technology Law Journal (2021)
Noga Blickstein-Shchori and Michal S. Gal, "Market Power Parasites". Forthcoming, 35 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (2021)
Noga Blickstein Shchcory, "Voice Shoppes: From Information Gaps to Choice Gaps" Brooklyn Law Rev. (2022)
Michal Gal, "Limiting Algorithmic Cartels," 38(1) Berkeley J. of Law and Technology (2023)
Tamar Shtub and Michal Gal, "The Competitive Effects of China’s Legal Data Regime" forthcoming, Journal of Competition Law and Economics (2022)