António Dinis Valentim

António Valentim holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology (University of Coimbra) and a master’s degree in Social and Cultural Psychology (London School of Economics and Political Science). His research has been dedicated to a set of diverse topics ranging from intellectual disability to lay knowledge and European identity, with an overarching focus on the effects of societal events in social-psychological mechanisms. At the Weizenbaum Institute, his research focuses on citizenship and norms in the digital era and the effects of these on political attitudes and political participation.
Ehemaliger Doktorand
Forschungsgruppe „Digital Citizenship“
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Leißner, L., Valentim, A., Porten-Cheé, P., & Emmer, M. (2019). The Selective Catalyst: Internet use as a mediator of citizenship norms’ effects on political participation. Weizenbaum Series, 1. Berlin: Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society – The German Internet Institute.
Mendes, J., Valentim, A., & Lopera, C. (2015). Estudo sobre os corpos de Bombeiros da Região Autónoma dos Açores: Práticas e Representações. [Study on the Fire-fighter Corps in the Autonomous region of Azores: Practices and Representations]. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais.
Leißner, L., Valentim, A., & Porten-Cheé, P. (2018). Good citizens share: Reviewing and enhancing citizenship norms research in light of digitalization. International Conference of the Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association. September 5-7. London.
Jorring, L., Valentim, A., & Porten-Cheé, P. (2018). Mapping the Field: A Literature Review on Digital Citizenship. The Internet, Policy & Politics Conference. September 20-21 Oxford.
Valentim, A. (2016). O que pensamos da escola? Representações de pessoas com deficiência intelectual sobre o seu percurso escolar [What do we think of school? Representations of school among people with intellectual disabilities]. Poster presented at the IX National Symposium of Psychological Research, June 30 – July 2, Faro (Portugal).
Valentim, A. (2016). O que pensamos da escola? Representações de pessoas com deficiência intelectual sobre o seu percurso escolar [What do we think of school? Representations of school among people with intellectual disabilities]. Poster presented at the 7th International Congress on Children and Adolescent Psychology, April 13 – 14, Lisbon (Portugal).
Valentim, A. (2015). O que pensamos da escola? Representações de pessoas com deficiência intelectual sobre o seu percurso escolar [What do we think of school? Representations of school among people with intellectual disabilities]. Invited presentation at Os Malmequeres, Leiria (Portugal).
Valentim, A. (2015). Caraterização sociográfica das Instituições de Emergência e Socorro e Percepção do risco na Região dos Açores [Sociographic characterization of the Emergence and Rescue and Perceptions of Risk in the Region of Azores]. Seminar presentation at Researching at CES: To Live Experiences (VI), Coimbra (Portugal).