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Caroline Sinders

Former Research Fellow

Caroline Sinders is a machine-learning design researcher and artist. Sinders examines how design can affect policies, systems and users, and has been focusing on UX design, systems infrastructure, artificial intelligence, online harassment, and politics in digital, conversational spaces. She has worked with Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Amnesty International, Intel, IBM Watson, the Wikimedia Foundation, and others. Recently, she was a fellow with the Harvard Kennedy School exploring trust patterns designed to trick users in social networks, and a senior fellow with the Mozilla Foundation exploring AI, ethics, and society. She is currently part of a United Nations working group on data governance and children. Sinders holds a Masters from New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program in design and technology.

From July 2020 to November 2020, Caroline will be collaborating with the research group “working in highlyautomated digital-hybrid processes” with the Weizenbaum Institute in direct collaboration with Sana Ahmad. This collaboration is focusing on gathering research on the design of content moderation systems, designing a workshop for current content moderators in Germany, and pulling together legislation, new and emerging research on the potential of collective bargaining in the content moderation field.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Fellow

Research Group "Working in Highly Automated Digital-Hybrid Processes"

21 July - 30 November 2020

Machine-Learning Design Researcher and Artist