Frameworks for Data Markets
The Research Group (Previously named: Data as a Means of Payment) examined data usage in the digital economy from legal, psychological and economic perspectives. Our research focused on the functioning of digital markets as well as the chances and risks of data trade. It included questions of private autonomy in the areas of tension between data markets, data protection, contract law, data rights, and cognitive and emotional-motivational dynamic processes that drive individuals to permit use of their personal data.
This research group conducted research at the Weizenbaum Institute from 2017 to 2022. In the newly launched research program, research will henceforth be organised in 16 research groups. These will be flanked and supported by the new Weizenbaum Digital Science Center.
Data usage in the digital economy
We analysed data usage in the digital economy from legal, psychological and economic perspectives. Our main focus was on fundamental questions of private autonomy in connection with data protection law and contract law, the ways digital markets function and their implications in the area of competition law. We were interested in the legal classification of actions involving collection of and trade in data. In this context, we explored specific questions such as strategies of digital pricing, general and sector-specific rights to access data, as well as visualizations of privacy-related provisions and practises.
We were interested in multifaceted and cross-sectional topics such as existing and potential rights of access to data, which we investigated in a differentiated manner according to the interacting parties, the kind of data in question, and the scope of application of access rights.
Types of digital pricing
Further, we looked into the impact of digitalization on companies’ pricing policies. We critically scrutinized from an economic analysis of law perspective different types of digital pricing that already exist or are currently being developed. The objective was to evaluate options for regulation, especially in regard to consumer protection.
Subject of our psychological research
Our psychological research focused in particular on the cognitive and emotional-motivational dynamic processes underlying the often-comprehensive disclosure of personal data by users of digital services and the resulting individual and societal consequences of this behaviour. Concretely, we investigated to what extent the risks associated with the disclosure of personal data can be taken into account in the visualization of data processing aspects in order to increase the motivation, attention and awareness of users and counteract cognitive biases.
Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger, LL.M. (Harvard), Associated Principal Investigator, Founding Director
- Malika Akim
- Julian Bolz
- Rita Gsenger
- Prisca von Hagen
- Niklas v. Kalckreuth
- Tobias Kleinschmitt
- Isabel Kostadinov
- Malte Mackensen
- Jakob Metzger
- Lena Mischau
- Filmona Mulugeta
- Jana Pinheiro Goncalves
- Isabella Rick
- Mariam Sattorov
- Marie Schirmbeck
- Lukas Seiling
- Lisa Völzmann
- Nieke Wagner
Data as a Means of Payment
- Mischau, L. (2020): The Concept of Digital Content and Digital Services in European Contract Law, in: Busch/Franceschi/Schulze/Sirena (Ed.),Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content and Digital Services (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).
- Efroni, Z. (2020): Location Data as Contractual Counter-Performance: A Consumer Perspective on Recent EU Legislation, in: Finck, M.; Lamping, M.; Moscon, V.; Richter, H. (Ed.), Smart Urban Mobility – Law, Regulation, and Policy (Springer).
- Efroni, Z. (2020): Gaps and Opportunities: The Rudimentary Protection to ‘Data-Paying Consumers’ under New EU Consumer Protection Law, Common Market Law Review, 57(3), pp. 799-830.
- Mischau, L. (2020): Daten als „Gegenleistung“ im neuen Verbrauchervertragsrecht, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, 28(2), pp. 335‐365.
- Metzger, A. (2020): A Market Model for Personal Data: State of the Play under the New Directive on Digital Content and Digital Services, in: Lohsse/Schulze/Staudenmayer (Ed.), Data as Counter-Performance – Contract Law 2.0? Münster Colloquia on EU Law and the Digital Economy V (Hart Publishing, Oxford), pp. 23-43.
- Metzger, A. (2019): Digitale Mobilität – Verträge über Nutzerdaten, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, pp. 129-136.
- Metzger, A. (2018): Mehr Freiheit wagen auf dem Markt der Daten: Voraussetzungen und Grenzen eines Marktmodells für "big data", in: Dutta/Heinze (Ed.), Mehr Freiheit wagen – Symposium zur Emeritierung von Jürgen Basedow (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen), pp. 131-152.
- Metzger, A., Efroni, Z., Mischau, L., & Metzger, J. (2018): Statement on the Proposed Digital Content Directive, Weizenbaum Institute.
- Metzger, A., Efroni, Z., Mischau, L., & Metzger, J. (2018): Data-Related Aspects of the Digital Content Directive, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, 9(1), pp. 80-109.
- Metzger, A. (2017): Data as Counter-Performance: What Rights and Duties do Parties Have?, 8 Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, 8(1), pp. 2-8.
Privacy Icons
- Efroni, Z., Metzger, J., Mischau, L., & Schirmbeck, M. (2019): Privacy Icons: A Risk-Based Approach to Visualisation of Data Processing, European Data Protection Law Review, 5(3), pp. 352-366.
- Efroni, Z., Metzger, J., Mischau, L., & Schirmbeck, M. (2019): The Concept of “Risk“ in the GDPR – an Overview, Weizenbaum Institute.
- Rick, I. (2019): Tagungsbericht – Expertenworkshop Privacy Icons, MMR-Aktuell, 419389.
- Efroni, Z., Metzger, J., Mischau, L., & Schirmbeck, M. (2019): Privacy Icons Project (PIP) – Expert Workshop at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Weizenbaum Institute.
- Schirmbeck, M. (2019): Limits of Design: La “Privacy Literacy“, Condition Indispensable De La Réussite Du Design, in: Privacy Tech (Ed.), Une Nouvelle Gouvernance pour les Données au XXIè-me Siècle – Des Standards pour la Circulation et la Protection des Données Personelles (Privacy Tech, Paris), pp. 202-207.
- Schirmbeck, M., Rossi, A. (2019): Principes Et Cas De Transparence: Les Icônes Comme Mécanisme De Transparence, Privacy Tech (Ed.), Une Nouvelle Gouvernance pour les Données au XXIème Siècle – Des Standards pour la Circulation et la Protection des Données Personelles (Privacy Tech, Paris), pp. 157-163.
Legal Frameworks of the Data Economy
- Efroni, Z., von Hagen, P., Völzmann, L. (2022): Position Paper regarding Data Act (Proposal of the European Commission, 23.02.22)
- von Hagen, P., Völzmann, L. (2022): Datenaltruismus aus datenschutzrechtlicher Perspektive, MMR 2022, S. 176-181.
- Efroni, Z. (2021): The Digital Services Act: risk-based regulation of online platforms, Internet Policy Review – Journal on Internet Regulation.
- Eifert, M., Metzger, A., Schweitzer, H., Wagner, G. (2021): Taming the Giants: The DSA/DMA Package, 58 Common Market Law Review, S. 987-1028.
- Data Governance Act Proposal: A position paper by the research groups "Frameworks for Data Markets", "Work and Cooperation in the Sharing Economy", "Trust in Distributed Environments", "Responsibility and the Internet of Things", and "Reorganizing Knowledge Practices" of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society.
- Z. Efroni et al. (2021): "Position Paper concerning the Data Act (Initial Impact Assessment)"
- Völzmann, L., Bolz, J. (2021): Data Governance Act – Reactions to the Legislative Proposal of the European Commission.
- Mischau, L. (2020): The Laws of Big Data: How Competition, Data Protection and Contract Law deal with the Challenges of a Data-Driven World, in: International Federation for Information Processing (Ed.), 14th International Human Choice and Computers Conference (Springer).
- Metzger, A. (2020): Access to and Porting of Data under Contract Law: Consumer Protection Rules and Market-Based Principles, in: Josef Drexl (Ed.), Data access, Consumer Protection and Public Welfare (Verbraucherrechtstage 2019).
- Efroni, Z. (2020): Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht – International, 3, pp. 223-338.
- Efroni, Z., Metzger, J., Mischau L. et al. (2020): Position Paper – A European Strategy for Data, Weizenbaum Institute.
- Efroni, Z., Metzger, J., Mischau L. et al. (2020): Stellungnahme des Weizenbaum-Instituts zur öffentlichen Konsultation zur Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung, Weizenbaum Institute.
- Mischau, L., Metzger, J. (2020): Neutrale Server – Datenschutz und Datenwirtschaft im vernetzten Fahrzeug, in: Stiftung Datenschutz (Ed.), DatenDebatten # IV: Datenschutz im vernetzten Fahrzeug (Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin), pp. 133-150.
- Mischau, L. (2020): Market Power Assessment in Digital Markets – A German Perspective. Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht – International, 69(3), pp. 233-248.
- Efroni, Z. (2019): Urteilsbesprechung „Bösgläubige Eintragung einer bekannten Marke – Habitat", Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht – International, 68(7), pp. 683-687.
- Metzger, A. (2019): Verträge über digitale Inhalte und digitale Dienstleistungen: Neuer BGB-Vertragstypus oder punktuelle Reform?, Juristen Zeitung, 74(12), pp. 577-586.
- Metzger, A. (2018): Rezension von Torsten Bettinger (Ed.), Handbuch des Domainrechts, Computer und Recht, R129-R131.
Digital Trust
- Fotouhi Tehrani, P.; v. Kalckreuth, N.; Lamprecht, S. (2020): Toward an integrative model of trust for digital emergency communication, in: Hughes, Amanda (Ed.): ISCRAM 2020, 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Conference Proceedings: Blacksburg, Virginia (USA), May 24th-27th, 2020 (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.), pp. 1012-1021.
- Gsenger, R., Strle, T. (2021): Trust, automation bias and aversion: algorithmic decision-making in the context of credit scoring. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, INDECS 19 (4), S. 540-558.
- Metzger, A. (2021): Ausschluss und Beschränkung von Outsourcing in Softwarelizenzverträgen - eine Grauzone, Computer und Recht, S. 573-579.
- Adensamer, A., Gsenger, R., Klausner, L.D. (2021): “Computer Says No”: Algorithmic Decision Support and Organisational Responsibility, Journal of Responsible Technology.
- Metzger, A. (2019): Comments on Article 8 Rome II Regulation, in: Magnus/Mankowski (Ed.), European Commentaries on Private International Law: Rome II Regulation (Otto Schmidt Verlag, Köln), pp. 298-327.
- Metzger, A. (2018): Das Einspruchsverfahren als politische Arena: Zur Rolle von NGOs im Patentrecht, in: Metzger (Ed.), Methodenfragen des Patentrechts, Theo Bodewig zum 70. Geburtstag (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen), pp. 111-135.
- Metzger, A. (2018): Regulierung im Urheberrecht – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht, 62(4), pp. 233-242.
- Nirk, R.; Ullman, E.; Metzger, A. (2018), Patentrecht: Mit Gebrauchsmuster- und Sortenschutzrecht (Start ins Rechtsgebiet), C.F. Müller, Heidelberg.
- Metzger, A. (2016): Dienst gegen Daten: Ein synallagmatischer Vertrag, Archiv für civilistische Praxis (AcP), 216(6), pp. 817-865.
- Metzger, A., Fitzner, U.: Kommentierung von § 3 PatG, Art. 54 EPÜ, in: Bodewig/Fitzner/Lutz, BeckOK Patentrecht (from 9th edition).