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Prof. Dr. Valeria Pulignano

Former Research Fellow, Distinguished Fellowship


Valeria Pulignano is a sociologist of work and employment, with international expertise in industrial (employment) relations and labour markets, their changing nature and implications for voice at work and labour market inequality in terms of differences in wages, working conditions, job quality and wellbeing. 

She is a member of Leuven.AI - KU Leuven Institute for Artificial Intelligence and PI of the ERC AdG ResPecTMe where she studied the dynamics of unpaid labour in paid employment, their relationships to socially reproductive labour, precarity and inequality in creative industries, care and the platform work. She lead a cross-national EU-US project on Technological Change and Work in manufacturing.

Her research focuses on European and national (macro) policy processes and (micro) power dynamics accompanying the technological and organizational changes within the production organization of multinational corporations and their value chains; she examines their effects on wages working conditions and job quality. She has contributed to the sociological ‘political economy’ (‘power’ as socio-political) dimension within the study of industrial and employment relations and labour markets, and their transformations, which she has approached from a European comparative perspective. 


Former Research Fellow, Distinguished Fellowship

30.9.2024 - 6.10. 2024 and 4 - 10.11. 2024


Katholieke Universitiet Leuven

Fields of Research

Industrial (Employment) Relations and Labour Markets Inequality in a Comparative Perspective in Europe, Workers' Voice, Sociology of Work, Digitalization of Work, Job Quality and Precarious Work.

More Information

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): 0000-0002-6466-491X

Social Media:

X: @valeriapuligna2

LinkedIn: Valeria Pulignano