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Tim Sprenger

Former Research Fellow


Tim Sprenger is a research assistant at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and a trainee lawyer with the Free State of Bavaria. He completed his doctorate at the Chair of Civil Law, Intellectual Property Law and Technology Law of Prof. Dr. Franz Hofmann, LL.M. (Cambridge) at FAU on interest-balanced moderation of online platforms and the systematisation of its legal basis. As part of his Master's degree at the University of Cambridge, he took part in courses on legal economics, the relationship between law/society/technology, intellectual property and information law.

He specialises in the regulation of platforms, communications law and intellectual property law. His main interest is the interdisciplinary justification and linking of legal findings.


Former Research Fellow

Research Group: Norm Setting and Decision Processes (September - October 2022)

Research Group: Shifts in Norm Setting ( March 2022)


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)