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Dr. Tatiana Ermakova

Former Research Group Lead
Tatiana Ermakova


Dr Tatiana Ermakova (Fraunhofer FOKUS) was Research Group Leader "Digitalisation and Networked Security" from December 2019 to September 2022. In recent years, her main research focus laid on the design of security and privacy-enhancing architectures, as well as the analyses of the readability of privacy policies, the structure and resilience of Internet topologies (using methods of network analysis), as well as perceptions and behavior of Internet users.

In 2015, she did her Ph.D. at the Technical University of Berlin on the topic "Security and Acceptance of Cloud Computing in Healthcare". In 2010, she completed her studies in Information Systems (M.Sc.) as a DAAD scholarship holder at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In her master thesis, she worked on "Comparison of Secret-Sharing Schemes for Private Information Discovery". Between 2008 and 2015, she was involved into various larger research projects, such as "TRESOR - Trusted Ecosystem for Standardized and Open cloud-based Resources" (2012-2015). Most recently, Tatiana Ermakova worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer for Data Science at the University of Potsdam (2015-2017) and as a Data Scientist and Researcher at the Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care in Germany (2017-2019).


Former Research Group Lead:

Research Group "Digitalisation and Networked Security"


Fraunhofer FOKUS

Selected Publications

Selected Publications and Event Contributions not related to the Weizenbaum Institute:

Ermakova, T., Fabian, B., Zarnekow, R. (2016). Improving Individual Acceptance of Health Clouds through Confidentiality Assurance. Applied Clinical Informatics Journal 7(4): 983-993.

Junghanns, P., Fabian, B., Ermakova, T. (2016) Engineering of Secure Multi-Cloud Storage. Computers in Industry Journal 83(December): 108–120.

Fabian, B., Ermakova, T., Junghanns, P. (2015). Collaborative and Secure Sharing of Healthcare Data in Multi-Clouds. Information Systems Journal 48(March).

Fabian, B., Ermakova, T., Müller, C. (2012). SHARDIS: A Privacy-Enhanced Discovery Service for RFID-Based Product Information. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Journal 8(3).

Fabian, B., Ermakova, T., Lentz, T. (2017). Privacy Policies: Large-Scale Collection and Readability Analysis. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence.

Fabian, B., Ermakova, T., Sander, U. (2016). Anonymity in Bitcoin – The Users’ Perspective. International Conference on Information Systems.

Ermakova, T., Krasnova, H., Fabian, B. (2016). Exploring the Impact of Readability of Privacy Policies on Users’ Trust. European Conference on Information Systems.

Ermakova, T., Fabian, B., Babina, E. (2015). Readability of Privacy Policies of Healthcare Websites. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik.

Ermakova, T., Fabian, B., Zarnekow, R. (2014). Acceptance of Health Clouds – A Privacy Calculus Perspective. European Conference on Information Systems.

Ermakova, T., Fabian, B. (2013). Secret Sharing for Health Data in Multi-Provider Clouds. IEEE Conference on Business Informatics.

A selection of further publications can be found here

