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Pinar Ekin

Assoziierte Forscherin


Pinar majored in psychology and completed her masters in Cognitive Neuroscience at Freie Universität Berlin. She worked as a research assistant at Freie Universität and Weizenbaum Institute. She developed an interest in psychopathologies with somatic components, emotional self-other distinction and barriers and a bridges of interpersonal connection. She wrote her master’s dissertation in KatLab at UCL, London, focusing on the interplay of alexithymia, altercentric bias and eating disorder symptoms utilizing spectral dynamic causal modelling with resting state fMRI data. She is currently working as a full time researcher at TU Dresden, studying the physiolgical correlates of affective touch and wheter it could be efficiently imitated by a virtual sender.

At the Weizenbaum Institute, the collaborative project that Pinar will be involved in will utilize the potential of neuroscience-related methods with the aim to identify the specific patterns of neural activity evoked by looking at specific types of content or the neural correlates different behavioral usage patterns on social media

Research Group: Well-being in the Digital World


Technische Universität Dresden

Fields of Research

  • Neuroscience
  • Self-other-distinction
  • Virtual Affective Touch
  • Psychopathologies