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Prof. Philip Howard

Former Research Fellow, Distinguished Fellowship


Phil Howard is a Professor at the University of Oxford and Chair of the International Panel on the Information Environment. He is a global authority on technology innovation and public policy. He writes about information politics and international affairs, and is the author of ten books, including The Managed Citizen, Pax Technica, and Computational Propaganda. He has won multiple book awards, and his research and commentary writing have been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, and many international media outlets.

He was named a “Global Thinker” by Foreign Policy magazine, and the National Democratic Institute awarded him their “Democracy Prize”, for pioneering the social science of fake news and misinformation. He has testified before the US Senate, UK House of Parliament, and European Commission on the impact of misinformation on human rights, media freedoms, and democratic values. His latest book is Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives. Currently, he is a Visiting Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard University’s Kennedy School.

His research at the Weizenbaum Institute will advance a project called „Scientific Collaboration Across Borders: The International Challenges of Analysing and Responding to Algorithmic Bias, Manipulation and Misinformation.“

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow, Distinguished Fellowship



Social Media:

Twitter: @pnhoward



Oxford University (UK)