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Prof. Mathieu d’Aquin

Former Associate Researcher
Mathieu d’Aquin


Mathieu d'Aquin is established professor of data analytics at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), the director of NUI Galway's Data Science Institute and site director for the Insight Centre for Data Analytics. Before joining NUI Galway in 2017, he was a senior research fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University in the UK, and received his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Nancy, France, in 2005.

His main background is in artificial intelligence, focusing especially on knowledge engineering, knowledge discovery and semantic technology-based approaches. He has worked on fundamental and applied aspects of ontology engineering, the semantic web and linked data, including domains such as education, digital humanities, medicine and smart cities.

He currently has a particular interest in the notion of shared data and knowledge infrastructures, in how knowledge methods can complement more data-centric approaches to AI, and in tackling the ethical implications of the application of AI technology.



Former Associate Researcher:

Research Group „Digitalisation and Opening Up Science“

Former Senior Research Fellow, August 2019:

Research Group "Digitalisation and Scientific Value Creation"



National University of Ireland Galway

