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Dr. Mario Daniels

Former Research Fellow


Mario Daniels is a historian of science and technology. He analyses how governments (especially Germany and the US) regulate and curtail the international sharing of high technology through export controls, secrecy, the screening of foreign investment and travel restrictions for scientists. Since 2015 he is the DAAD Visiting Professor at the BMW Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen.

He currently works on two books that analyse the impact of national security policies on the international sharing and denying of scientific-technological knowledge: Dangerous Knowledge: Economic Espionage and the Securitization of Technology Transfers in the 20th Century, a comparison of the U.S. and (West) German policies against illegal knowledge transfers; and Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America, a new history of the U.S. export control system since 1945.


Research Fellow:

Research Group "Inequality and Digital Sovereignty"

1 June - 31 July 2019


Georgetown University

Selected Publications


Daniels, Mario: „Restricting the Transnational Movement of ‚Knowledgeable Bodies’: The Interplay of U.S. Visa Restrictions and Export Controls in the Cold War.“ In: How Knowledge Moves: Writing the Transnational History of Science and Technology, hg. von John Krige. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 35-61.

Daniels, Mario: „Controlling Knowledge, Controlling People: Travel Restrictions of U.S. Scientists and National Security.“ Diplomatic History 43:1 (2019), 57-82.

Daniels, Mario: „Japanese Industrial Espionage, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Decline of the U.S. ‚Industrial Base’ in the 1980s.“ Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 63 (2018), 45-66.

Daniels, Mario (mit John Krige): „Beyond the Reach of Regulation? ‚Basic’ and ‚Applied’ Research in Early Cold War America.“ Technology and Culture 59 (2018), 226-250.

Daniels, Mario: „Brain Drain, innerwestliche Weltmarktkonkurrenz und nationale Sicherheit. Die Kampagne der westdeutschen Chemieindustrie gegen Wissenstransfers in die USA in den 1950er Jahren.“ Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte 64:3 (2016), 1-25.

Daniels, Mario: „‚Wirtschaftlicher Landesverrat’ im ‚Wirtschaftskampf gegen Deutschland’. Die deutsche Chemieindustrie und die Bekämpfung ausländischer Industriespionage in den 1920er Jahren.“ Historische Zeitschrift 299:2 (2015), 352-383.

Daniels, Mario: „Von ‚Paperclip’ zu CoCom. Die Herausbildung einer neuen US-Technologie- und Wissenspolitik in der Frühzeit des Kalten Krieges (1941-1951).“ Technikgeschichte 80 (2013): 209-223.

Book projects

Daniels, Mario: „Dangerous Knowledge: Economic Espionage and the Securitization of Technology Transfers in the 20th Century“ (a comparative history U.S.-German history since World War I)

Daniels, Mario (zusammen mit John Krige, Georgia Tech): „Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America“ (a  new history of the U.S. export control system since 1945).