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Marie Kochsiek

Former Research Fellow


As a sociologist and software developer Marie Kochsiek is interested in the intersections between technologies and societies, especially with respect to digital health tracking and digital rights. She co-founded the hackspace for women* in Berlin-Kreuzberg called the Heart of Code e.V. and is an active member.

Building on the results of her master’s research she founded the Bloody Health Collective, which is developing a free and open source period tracking app called drip, that has received funding by the German Ministry of Education and Research and the Mozilla Foundation. She studied Social Science (B.A.) at the Humboldt-University Berlin and at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies (M.A.) at the Free University Berlin. At the Weizenbaum Institute she is part of the Research Group 2 for the duration of June until December 2019.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Fellow:

Research Group "Production Possibilities of the Maker Culture"

June - December 2019



Kochsiek, Marie (2019): „Menstruationszyklen entziffern”. In Dossier: Feminismus und Überwachung - Intersektionale Perspektiven. Gunda-Werner-Institut / Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, menstruationszyklen-entziffern

Kochsiek, Marie (2016): „Digitale Technologien zur Selbstvermessung des Menstruationszyklus. Subjektives Erleben von Menstruation im Kontext von digitalisiertem Zyklustracking mit der App Clue”. Masterarbeit in M.A. Interdisziplinären Lateinamerika-Studien der Freien Universität Berlin. Betreuung: PD Dr. Martha Zapata Galindo & Nina Lawrenz M.A.

Kochsiek, Marie (2016): „Digitale Selbstvermessung & digitalisierte Gesundheit”. In Smarte Worte // Das kritische Lexikon der Digitalisierung. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

Media & Talks

Auswahl Kochsiek, Marie: „Period tracking done right”. Re:publica in Berlin, 07.05.2019.

Kresge Naomi: „Building a Better Period-Tracking App” Bloomberg. Prognosis Podcast, 10.04.2019.

Kochsiek, Marie & Krakenbürger Fiona: „A feminist call to action: Build the (menstruation) tech you want”. Mozilla Festival in London, 21.10.2018.

Dinar, Christina, Kochsiek, Marie, Schmidt, Francesca: „Safe Space Grrrls – Heart of Code & Netzforma* – Feminismus im Hackspace & in der Netzpolitik”. Netzpolitik Konferenz in Berlin, 21.09.2018. v/np14-17-safe_space_grrrls_heart_of_code_netzforma
Dachwitz, Ingo, Köver, Chris: „Wem gehören unsere Perioden-Daten?” Netzpolitik Podcast, 11.05.2019.


Software Engineer and Sociologist, Heart of Code e.V.