Dr. Luana Mathias Souto

Luana Mathias Souto holds a doctoral degree in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - PUC Minas (Brazil). She is a theoretical researcher focused on Gender Studies and Law. As a Fellow in the “Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda“ Research Group at the Wizenbaum Institute, her topic is gendered disinformation. During her doctoral studies, she analyzed the effectiveness of women's political rights under Giorgio Agamben's state of exception theory. Her research findings also include the study of gender-political violence in Latin America. Since then, her work has analyzed the most recent threads on women's rights, including how digital platforms increase violations of women's rights.
Her doctoral dissertation received a Magna cum Laude distinction. Her last publication is the chapter “The Biopolitical Perspective in Women's Legal Education“ in the Routledge-edited book “Biopolitics and Structure in Legal Education.“ She is a former Guest Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt (MPILHLT/2023) and Hamburg (MPIPriv/2024). So far, she received scholarships from CAPES, CAPES/PDSE, DAAD, Max Planck Institute, and Weizenbaum Institute.
Former Research Fellow
Research Group: Platform Algorithms and Digital Propaganda
01.04.24 - 30.04.24
Fields of Research
Feminist Legal Theory, Gender Studies, Legal Theory, Law and Literature, Human Rights and Democracy
More Information
Academia.edu: https://pucminas.academia.edu/LuanaMathiasSouto
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luana-Souto
Instagram: @luanamsouto