Lea Ludmilla Ossmann-Magiera, LL.M.

Since mid-September 2022, Lea Ossmann-Magiera has been an associate researcher in the research group "Standard-setting and Decision-making Processes". As part of her work, she is advancing her dissertation on regulatory strategies for artificially intelligent systems, among other things.
Lea Ossmann-Magiera studied law at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Sapienza Universitá di Roma. During her universitary specialization in intellectual property law, she has concerned herself with IT law for the first time, especially with issues of liability on the Internet and the legal classification of digital business models. After finishing her law studies, she worked as a legal advisor at the digital bank N26 and completed an LL.M. in “Law and Digital Technologies“ at Leiden University. In the course of her master’s program she concentrated on the question of whether and how digital technologies should be regulated specifically and what legal and ethical implications their use in our society entails. In her master's thesis she addressed the topic of “Ethics and Governance of AI“ using the specific example of facial recognition software. In November 2021, she successfully completed her legal clerkship at the Superior Court of Justice.
Associate Researcher
Since 15 September 2022: Research Group „Norm Setting and Decision Processes”
Research Fellow
From 1 April - 30 April 2022: Research Group “Shifts in Norm Setting“