Julio Brandl

Julio Brandl studied psychology and business administration as well as media, communication and culture at the University of Klagenfurt, the University of Graz and the University of Linz. After his studies, he was employed as a Research Fellow at the Institute for Innovation Management at the University of Klagenfurt and then switched to the business world: first at Bitkom, Germany's leading association for the ICT industry, and later at the strategy and management consultancy MSU Consulting.
Julio Brandl is a Ph.D. student in Research Group Digital Integration at the Weizenbaum Institute, investigating the possibilities of digital integration of vulnerable groups. He is affiliated with the University of Potsdam and, in addition to his research, is also a lecturer in methodological research and psychology at several universities.
Fields of Research
- Digitale Integration vulnerabler Gruppen
- Ethische/moralische Entscheidungsfindung
- Mixed Methods
Selected Publications
Draganović, S., Offermanns, G., & Brandl, J. (submitted). Patient Safety Culture in Austrian Hospitals: Implementation Processes and Problem-Oriented Perspectives. Academy of Management Discoveries.
Draganović, S., Offermanns, G., & Brandl, J. (2019). Patient Safety Culture in Austrian Hospitals – A qualitative study. European Journal of Public Health, 29, 4.
Draganović, S., Offermanns, G., & Brandl, J. (2019). First insights into sustainability and organizational change by means of a qualitative study of innovatively implementing new risk management instruments. Academy of Management Specialized Conference: Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies.
European IT Observatory. (2018). ICT Market Report 2018/19. Berlin: Bitkom Research. (Authors: Grimm, F., Meyer, M., & Brandl, J.)
Wdowiak, M. A., Schwarz, E. J., Lattacher, W., Brandl, J., & Parastuty, Z. (2018). A Learning Perspective on Business Failure: A Qualitative Study of Austrian Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Wdowiak, M., Schwarz, E., Parastuty, Z., Breitenecker, R., Lattacher, W., Brandl, J., Gregori, P.G.(2017). Entrepreneurial exit and re-engagement: An analysis of high-potential entrepreneurs in Austria (Forschungsbericht). Alpen- Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Österreich, Institut für Innovationsmanagement und Unternehmensgründung