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Prof. Hilde Coffé

Former Research Fellow


Hilde Coffé is a Professor in Politics at the University of Bath. She previously held positions at the Free University of Brussels, Utrecht University and Victoria University of Wellington. She has also been a visiting scholar at various institutions, including the University of California Berkeley and Irvine, and the University of Sydney.

Her main research interests include political behaviour, public opinion, political representation, and gender and politics. One of her current projects is a European study on gender, sexism and attitudes towards gender equality. She is also involved in a joint research project investigating the descriptive and substantive representation of women in populist radical right populist parties. Still another study is a book project on gender and political participation.

During her time with the Weizenbaum Institute, she will seek to advance her research (with Catherine Bolzendahl) on gender gaps in political participation and investigate political inequalities in times of digitization.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow, Weizenbaum Panel

29.10. - 11.11.23

09.07. - 22.7.23


University of Bath