Dr. Gergana Vladova

Gergana Vladova has held the Chair of Computer Science Education / Computer Science and Society at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since July 1, 2024 and has also been an associated researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin since that time. Before that she was head of the research group "Education for the Digital World" at the Weizenbaum Institute and at the Chair of Business Informatics at the University of Potsdam. She has an interdisciplinary background, with degrees from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia (Bulgaria) and the Free University of Berlin, and a PhD in Business Informatics from the University of Potsdam.
Her research experience and interests come from various research projects, in particular, on learning with digital technologies and AI, competence development in the context of digitalization, knowledge and innovation management, intellectual property and product piracy. She gives lectures and seminars at the University of Potsdam and is a guest lecturer at the BSP Business School Berlin. During her research stay at Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and in the context of a close cooperation with Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China), she was and is actively involved in international and interdisciplinary research projects.
Associate Researcher since 1 July 2024
Research Group: Digitalization, Sustainability, and Participation
Research Focus: Organizing Knowledge
Research Group Lead since 15 September 2022
Research Group: Education for the Digital World
Research Group Lead until 14 September 2022
Research Group: Education and Advanced Training in the Digital Society
Fields of Research
- Digital education
- Competency development
Committees and functions
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Institute for Information Systems and Digital Society e.V.
- Association of University Teachers of Business Administration e.V.
- Membership of the BMBF Digital Summit Platform "Learning Systems | Digital Competencies", section "Education in the Digital Transformation" with the thematic focus on sustainability for the year 2023
- Member of the Expert Council for the BMBF-funded project schultransform (since 2021)
- Member of the BMBF expert group Roadmap Data Competencies and Data Culture (10/2021-05/2022).
- Member of the Editorial Team Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society
- Spokesperson of the Research Group Leaders at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (2020-2021)
- Chair of the Scientific Council at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (2020-2022)
- Member of the Sustainability Group at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (since 2023)
More Information
- Google Scholar
- Researchgate
- Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4086-1724
Social media:
Selected Publications
Brandenburger, B./Vladova, G. (2019). The Potential of Making for Enhancement of Digital Competencies in Higher Education. On the way of a concept development. In: Proceedings of the FabLearn Europe Conference 2019. Oulu, Finnland, May 2019
Vladova, G./Wotschack, P. (2019). Unequal training participation and training experience at the digital work place - an interdisciplinary study. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Weizenbaum Conference – Challenges of digital inequality. Berlin, May 2019
Vladova, G./Haase, J./Rüdian, S./Pinkwart, N. (2019). Educational Chatbot with Learning Avatar for Personalization. In: Proceedings of the 25. American Conference of Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2019, Cancun, Mexico (accepted).
Ullrich A, Thim C, Vladova G, Gronau N. (2017) Wandlungsbereitschaft und Wandlungsfähigkeit von Mitarbeitern bei der Transformation zu Industrie 4.0. In Reinheimer S (Hrsg.) Springer Edition HMD.
Vladova G, Ullrich N, Gronau N (2017) Prozessbezogene Ableitung von Kompetenzen im Industrie 4.0-Kontext. In: Weinert N, Plank M, Ullrich A (Hrsg). Metamorphose zur intelligenten und vernetzten Fabrik. Springer-Vieweg, S. 147-158.
Ullrich A, Vladova G, Gronau N (2017) Kontextsensitive Mitarbeiterqualifizierung. In: Weinert N, Plank M, Ullrich A (Hrsg). Metamorphose zur intelligenten und vernetzten Fabrik. Springer-Vieweg, S. 56-68.
Vladova G, Ullrich A, Reiff-Stephan J (2017) Der Mensch im Umfeld von Industrie 4.0. In: Weinert N, Plank M, Ullrich A (Hrsg). Metamorphose zur intelligenten und vernetzten Fabrik. Springer-Vieweg, S. 23-30.
Vladova G, Ullrich A, Sultanow E (2017) Demand-oriented Competency Development in a Manufacturing Context: The Relevance of Process and Knowledge Modeling. 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). IEEE, 2017. S. 4424-4433
Ullrich A, Vladova G, Gronau N (2016) Kontextsensitive Qualifizierung im industriellen Umfeld - Ein Ansatz zur Konfiguration von Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen. Industrie 4.0 Management (2016) 3, S. 15-18
Ullrich A, Vladova G, Gronau N, Jungbauer N (2016) Akzeptanzanalyse in der Industrie 4.0-Fabrik - Ein methodischer Ansatz zur Gestaltung von organisatorischem Wandel. In: Obermaier R (Hrsg.) Industrie 4.0 als unternehmerische Gestaltungsaufgabe. Springer (Berlin). DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-08165-2_17
Gronau N, Ullrich A, Vladova G (2015) Prozeßbezogene und visionäre Weiterbildungskonzepte im Kontext Industrie 4.0. In Meier H (Hrsg.) Lehren und Lernen für die moderne Arbeitswelt. GITO-Verlag. ISBN 978-3955451288
Ullrich A, Vladova G (2015) Qualifizierungsmanagement in der vernetzten Produktion - Ein Ansatz zur Strukturierung relevanter Parameter. In Meier H (Hrsg.) Lehren und Lernen für die moderne Arbeitswelt. GITO-Verlag. ISBN 978-3955451288
Ullrich A, Vladova G, Thim C, Gronau N (2015) Akzeptanz und Wandlungsfähigkeit im Zeichen der Industrie 4.0. In: Reinheimer S (Hrsg.) Industrie 4.0, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Band 52, Heft 5, S. 769-789. DOI: 10.1365/s40702-015-0167-8