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Eva-Maria Nyckel

Former Research Fellow


Eva-Maria Nyckel studied Communication and Knowledge Media (B.A.) at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg and Media Studies (M.A.) at the Humboldt University of Berlin. After working at the MCTS Digital Media Lab at the Technical University of Munich and the Graduate School Locating Media at the University of Siegen, she joined the Humboldt University of Berlin as a PhD candidate in March 2019. The Ph.D. project she has been working on since October 2016 focuses on the investigation of digital process management systems (in particular Salesforce) and their influence on work processes and organizational environments. Central questions are how the implementation of management algorithms transforms our notion of work itself, how human work can be compared to algorithmic work and how these systems affect the idea of separating manual and mental labor. In June 2019 Eva-Maria Nyckel will be a research fellow at the research group 1 "Working in Highly Automated Digital-Hybrid Processes“.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Fellow:

Research Group "Working in Highly Automated Digital-Hybrid Processes"

1 June - 30 June 2019


Nyckel, Eva-Maria (forthcoming): „Ahead of Time: Media-Theoretical Implications of Amazon’s Anticipatory Shipping Patent”. In: Stine, K. und Volmar, A. (Hrsg..): Hardwired Temporalities. Amsterdam Univ. Press.

Pöchhacker, Nikolaus und Eva-Maria Nyckel (forthcoming): „Logistics of Probability. Amazon Anticipatory Shipping and the Production of Markets”. In: Burkhardt, M., Grashöfer, K. und Shnayien, M. (Hrsg..): Explorations in Digital Cultures.

Staab, Philipp and Eva-Maria Nyckel (2019): „Digitaler Kapitalismus und Unternehmenssoftware – Herrschaft der Betriebssysteme?“ WISO 08/2019. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Raffetseder, Eva-Maria, Simon Schaupp und Philipp Staab: „Kybernetik und Kontrolle. Algorithmische Arbeitssteuerung und betriebliche Herrschaft”. In: PROKLA 187, 2/2017, Westfälisches Dampfboot, S. 227-247.

Raffetseder, Eva-Maria: „Prozessmanagementsysteme als kybernetische Entscheidungsmaschinen. Eine Analyse am Beispiel von Salesforce”. In: GRKG – Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft. 12/2016, 57 (4), Paderborn, S. 212-229.



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)