Corinna Canali

Corinna graduated from the M.A. program Non Linear Narrative at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague (NL) with a visual and theoretical analysis of the automated policing of nakedness within digital spaces as a tool to forcibly 'shamify' non-conforming identities. After upgrading to an MPhil degree at UCL (University College London) in 2021 within the History of Art Department with a paper on the role of Apple Inc in the traditionally moralized censorship of feminine bodies within and outside social media platforms, she decided to continue her Ph.D. at the Berlin University of Arts – UdK Berlin.
Her primary research interest focuses on the design and deployment of policies and automated systems of users moderation as normatising devices where the socially constructed dualism between obscene and decent identities is codified and standardised to globally (re)produce hegemonic and particularised knowledge of bodies, sexualities, and genders, amplifying discriminatory and marginalising social hierarchies.
Research Associate
Research Group „Design, Diversity and New Commons“