Dr. Bianca Herlo

Bianca Herlo is a design researcher, designer and lecturer with a background in civic design and social design. Her work focuses on questions of design justice, of social and digital participation and the social responsibility of design in the context of digital transformation. In national and international collaborations with actors from academia, politics and civil society, she asks how emerging discourses of injustice and inequality can be translated into structural change. Central to her work are the social and technological conditions in design and design research as well as their socio-political implications.
Bianca Herlo studied social and economic communication at the Berlin University of the Arts. In 2007, she co-founded *.artlabs - for art, design and technology. Since 2021, she has been chair of the board of the German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF). Herlo is a founding member of the Social Design Network and since October 2022 she has been managing the professorship for Transformation Design at the Braunschweig University of the Arts (HBK).
Research Group Lead
Since 15.9.2022: Research Group "Design, Diversity and New Commons"
Until 14.9.2022: Research Group "Inequality and Digital Sovereignty"
More Projects
Head of the reserach project INTERPART. Intercultural spaces for participation (2018-2021), funded by BMBF
Further research projects:
- ERASMUS+ Change Agents (2022-2024)
- "BauNow. Bauhaus Values Today", German-Iraeli Future Forum Foundation DIZF (2018-2019)
- "Participation in Museum Contexts", DBU (2016-2018)
- Modellprojekt "Bürger vernetzen Nachbarschaften. Quartiersentwicklung nutzt digitalen Wandel" des Landes NRW (2016-2018)
- "Mit-Mach-Stadt Brandis", SMI (2016-2017)
- "fast forward – too slow?", Buchlabor Dortmund (2015)
- "Communitiy Now? Conflicts. Interventions. New Publics", DIZF/bpb (2013-2016)