Prof. Dr. Benjamin Fabian
Ben Fabian is currently Professor of E-Government, IT Security and IT Management at Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau) and senior researcher of Information Systems at Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin). Formerly, he was Professor for Business Intelligence and Data Science at the Applied University of Telecommunications Leipzig (HfTL / Deutsche Telekom), and Visiting Professor of Information Systems at HU Berlin. He holds a degree in Mathematics (Dipl. Math.) with a minor in Classical Greek Philology from Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin), as well as a Ph.D. and Habilitation in Information Systems from HU Berlin.
His main research areas include information security, data science, ethics and privacy, with emphasis on design-science research, mathematical and empirical methods in the intersection of those fields. Ben has published in several journals of information systems, computer science and operations research (including BISE, CACM, Decision Support Systems, EJOR, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Information Systems, ACM TMIS) and also many articles on conferences (such as ACM, IEEE, ICIS, ECIS, WI, LNCS).
Ben joins the Weizenbaum Institute as an Associated Researcher with Research Group “Digitalisation and Networked Security“. Joint research topics include ethical guidelines for Artificial Intelligence and empirical analysis of Internet censorship.
Associate Researcher
Research Group “Digitalisation and Networked Security“
1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022
Selected Publications
Benjamin Fabian's Publications can be found at ResearchGate.