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Dr. Benedict Bender

Associate Researcher
Benedict Bender


Benedict Bender is an associate researcher in the Research Group on Education in a Digital Society at the Weizenbaum Institute. His research interests include digital platforms and the use of artificial intelligence. Benedict Bender also researches on digital business models.

Benedict Bender studied Information Systems at the University of Potsdam, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of St. Gallen. As part of his German scholarship, he participated in the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Design at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Benedict Bender has extensive practical experience in international management, IT strategy and technology consulting. The practical transfer of his research results is achieved through his activities as an author, management consultant and coach. He is a regular keynote speaker.

Mr. Bender's research results can be found in renowned journals and at international conferences. He regularly serves as a track chair at international conferences in business informatics. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the AIS Special Interest Group for Enterprise-Level Information Systems.


Associate Researcher

Research Focus: Organizing Knowledge

Research Group „Education for the Digital World


Universität Potsdam

Fields of Research

  • Digital platforms
  • business models
  • business processes
  • artificial intelligence

More Projects

Project "Digitalisation of Teaching – An Inquiry in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis"

In response to COVID-19, universities around the world abruptly stopped face-to-face classes and switched to technology-mediated instruction. As a result, the use of technology in the learning processes of students across disciplines was inevitable and, for months, the only way to teach, communicate, and collaborate. In this crisis context, we conducted a longitudinal study at four German universities that addressed the following aspects: (1) student acceptance of technology-mediated learning, (2) how this acceptance changes during the semester, and (3) differences in acceptance between different disciplines. The survey results will be analyzed, published, and further studies prepared.

Project "Perspectives and limitations in the use of digital platforms in teaching"

Based on the study of students' experiences during the fully digital semester, we explore how these experiences and learners' attitudes are related to different teaching and communication platforms. We shed light on the biggest challenges to digitizing teaching from the students' perspective, as well as the optimal balance between online and presence-based teaching. As part of the research, we address the perceived limitations of knowledge transfer, social interaction and instructional design in digital learning opportunities as well as the assessment of the pedagogical competencies of their instructors in the digital teaching space.

Business models and acceptance of digital platforms

Digital platforms are increasing in their importance in different areas of everyday life. The motivation of all platform participants is important for the success of multi-sided platforms. For the group of contributors and the sustainability of the business model is an important building block. For the scaling of the platform, additional participants must be continuously recruited on all platform sides in order to benefit from positive network effects. With regard to the participants, knowledge about the selection between platform alternatives, in particular, represents a success factor. In the context of the collaboration, these potential success factors for platforms will be investigated. Among other things, this provides a basis for subsequently exploring the special features of digital learning platforms.


Selected Publications


Vladova G, Ullrich A, Bender B, Gronau N (2021) Acceptance of technology-mediated teaching by students–how it was influenced during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: A study from Germany Frontiers in Psychology 12:69

Fabian B, Bender B, Hesseldieck B, Haupt J, Lessmann S (2021) Enterprise-grade protection against e-mail tracking Information Systems 97:101702 doi:

Bender B, Lass S, Habib N, Scheel L (2020) Plattform-Bereitstellungsstrategien im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau: Strategien deutscher Unternehmen im Industrie 4.0-Kontext HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik doi: 10.1365/s40702-020-00648-1

Bender B (2020) The Impact of Integration on Application Success and Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Device Platforms Business & Information Systems Engineering 62:515 doi: 10.1007/s12599-020-00629-0

Bender B, Thim C, Linke F (2019) Platform Coring in the Browser Domain – An Exploratory Study. Paper präsentiert auf der International Conference on Information Systems, Munich, Germany,

Haupt J, Bender B, Fabian B, Lessmann S (2018) Robust identification of email tracking: A machine learning approach European Journal of Operational Research 271:341-356 doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.018

Grum M, Bender B, Alfa AS, Gronau N (2018) A decision maxim for efficient task realization within analytical network infrastructures Decision Support Systems 112:48-59 doi:

Bender B, Fabian B, Haupt J, Lessmann S, Neumann T, Thim C (2018) Track and Treat - Usage of E-Mail Tracking for Newsletter Individualization. Paper präsentiert auf der 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018), Portsmouth, UK,

Bender B, Gronau N (2017) Coring on Digital Platforms – Fundamentals and Examples from the Mobile Device Sector. Paper präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2017, Seoul, South Korea,

Bender B, Fabian B, Lessmann S, Haupt J (2016) E-Mail Tracking: Status Quo and Novel Countermeasures. Paper präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016, Dublin, Ireland

