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13:00 Uhr - 14:30 Uhr | online

"We’re at a turning point with enormous uncertainty': On the implications of Generative AI"

As part of the series "Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence," WI researcher Esther Görnemann will address the social challenges and ramifications in light of recent developments in the area of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models.

Generative Artificial Intelligence, and Large Language Models in particular, have become major topics in public discourse. Obviously, these groundbreaking technological shifts are likely to induce significant societal changes. We will discuss different ramifications that current scientific literature deems plausible. Along with forceful new dynamics in the economic sector, this includes the potential misuse of LLMs for malicious intentions, the notorious perpetration of bias and the interesting psychological effects that human-like assistant behavior can have on users.

Register here for the online lecture

Esther Görnemann joined the Weizenbaum Institute in 2023 as a research synthesis coordinator. At the core of her work is synthesizing the state of research on key issues of the digitally networked society in order to inform future research and to support the knowledge transfer of knowledge from the research groups towards policy and the public.


To mark the centenary of Weizenbaum’s birth, the alumni programs at Technische Universität Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin together with the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society organized the symposium "Critical Stances towards AI: For a Critical and Self-Determined Approach to Digital Technology" in September 2023. Researchers from the Weizenbaum Institute traveled to the USA - Joseph Weizenbaum’s adopted country - to meet with fellow researchers from North America to discuss the topics passionately addressed by Weizenbaum and thus promote transatlantic discourse about Joseph Weizenbaum and his influential work. At the heart of the discussions were questions dealing with the responsibility humans have regarding the development of artificial intelligence, particularly concerning disinformation and the social and also economic use of AI as well as regulating platforms, algorithms and global tech businesses – all questions intensively addressed by Weizenbaum and which could hardly be more relevant today.

As this topic has so many different aspects and is also of great importance worldwide, we would like to address other exciting aspects of the transformation of society through digitalization as part of the series of three lectures and at the same time expand the circle of participants.