23.05.2024 - 24.05.2024
Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin
Expertise in digital Transformation
Conference of the Research Group “Reorganization of Knowledge Practices” in cooperation with the DGS-Section “Science and Technology Studies”.
What is expertise? Who owns it? And where does it originate from? These questions are not new but have become more pressing with the advent of digital transformation. Digitalization is becoming constantly more crucial in producing knowledge and generating expertise. Far beyond the automatization of existing standardized and coordinated procedures, numerous digital applications are increasingly generating information that directly influence social and academic knowledge production and decision-making.
Present debates, particularly those about generative AI such as ChatGPT, highlight significant tensions: At what point do digital tools cease to support knowledge creation and begin to fundamentally influence or replace traditional practices of knowledge production and human expertise? While AI has presented numerous opportunities for the generation of expertise, concerns arise over the quality and validity of the knowledge produced.
With this conference, we thus aim to explore questions of expertise in digital transformation both with regard to different areas of society and to discuss them comparatively:
- What is the impact of the use of digital applications in knowledge-based areas of work, ranging from industry to administration, but also in the judicial system or science?
- How does digitalization change expertise and also experts themselves?
- How are practices of knowledge production transformed and what do we regard as expertise?
- How do the processes outlined above shape collective perceptions of the social reality?
Please register for the event by 15 May 2024.
Download the Conference Program here.
Prof. Juliane Jarke (University of Graz), Dr. Hendrik Heuer (IFIB Bremen and University Bremen), and Dr. Yana Boeva (University Stuttgart) will join us to introduce the book “Algorithmic Regimes: Methods, Interactions, and Politics“, which they co-edited.
The central concept of algorithmic regimes highlights the shift in the current “regimes of truth“. In this interdisciplinary book, scholars from the social sciences, humanities, and computer science argue that this shift has, and will continue to have, profound implications for how knowledge is produced and what and whose knowledge is valued and deemed valid. Following the presentation, there will be a discussion on these topics.