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10:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr | Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin Open Lab, Einsteinufer 43, 10857 Berlin

Design and Digital Justice

This year's conference of the German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF) hosted in cooperation with the Berlin University of the Arts and the Weizenbaum Institute centers on the relationship between social justice, digital technologies and AI.

Under the heading “Design and Digital Justice”, this year’s DGTF conference is dedicated to current developments around digital technologies and AI. We want to address the question of how design influences society and contributes to digital (in)justice. From inclusion, anti-discrimination and anti-sexism to privacy and digital colonialism, there are many issues that we as designers and researchers need to address to ensure a fair and just digital future. The conference will offer perspectives from a variety of fields including design, technology, and social justice sharing insights on how we can promote digital justice in and through design. The conference is co-organized by the Weizenbaum research group Design, Diversity and New Commons

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12:00 Registration

13:00 Welcome

13:10–15:10 Talks and moderated panel discussions with Milagros Miceli, Alê Costa Barbosa, and Raziye Buse Çetin & Iyo Bisseck; Jens Krzywinski

15:10–15:30 Coffee Break

15:30–16:30 "At an inflection point – generative AI and its planetary consequences” Open Conversation with Kate Crawford

16:30–17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 - 19:00 Workshops by Tobias Witt (City Lab Berlin, Participatory Design, Service Design), Corinna Canali and Ines Weigand (Weizenbaum Institute/UdK Berlin, Gender and Design), Henrik Lebuhn and Stefania Animento (HU Berlin, Digital Citizenship and effects of digitalization on city, migration & work), Aeneas Stankowski (HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Design and Creative AI).

19:00 20th anniversary with our guest of honor Uta Brandes and Dinner

Program Details: