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Alexandre Costa Barbosa

Assoziierter Forscher


Alexandre ist Fachberater des Brasilianischen Internet-Lenkungsausschusses –, wo er an den Themen Plattformregulierung, Bildungsplattformen, Internet und Demokratie, digitale Inklusion und digitale Kompetenz arbeitet und Mitglied des Nucleum of Technology ist der Bewegung der Obdachlosen (MTST). Er ist Ingenieur mit einem Master-Abschluss in nachhaltiger territorialer Entwicklung an der Sorbonne Paris 1. Er war auch als leitender Innovationsforscher am Institut für Technologie und Gesellschaft von Rio de Janeiro tätig.

Am Weizenbaum-Institut ist Alexandre Teil der AG „Design, Diversity and New Commons“. Er trägt zur Entwicklung des Konzepts einer nachhaltigen digitalen Souveränität bei, wobei er sich hauptsächlich auf Bildungsplattformen konzentriert und Perspektiven aus dem Süden einbringt.


Assoziierter Forscher seit August 2024

Forschungsgruppe: Design, Diversity und New Commons


Ehemaliger Research Fellow

Mitte April bis Mitte Juli 2023


Brasilianischer Internet-Lenkungsausschusses –


Digital Sovereignty; Platform Regulation; Internet Policy; Digital Geographies; Digital Inequalities

Weitere Projekte

  • Education in a scenario of platformization and data economy in Brazil
  • Digital identification for Development in Latin America
  • Blockchain for the Public Interest
  • Complementary currencies for smart territories

Mitgliedschaften und Funktionen

Vale dos Inconfidentes - Innovation and Digital Culture ecosystem of the historic cities of Minas Gerais state - Head of Institutional Relations

India Foundation - Kautilya Fellow: Public Policy Module, New Delhi. February 2019

Seed: Startups and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development - Government of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Advisor

MTST Núcleo de  Tecnologia - Movement of the Homeless Workers technology sector, Brazil. Member

RITA- Interdisciplinary Network of Technologies and the Environment, Brazil. Co-founder

Weitere Informationen

Alumni from the first batch of the Oscar Sala Chair’s course on Political, Economic, and Cultural aspects of the Internet- Institute of Advanced Studies - University of São Paulo

Member of the Research Group of Smart Cities and Blockchain for Public Interest. Institute for Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro. 2017

Finalist in the Mission Billion  Challenge - Digital Identification. World Bank ID4D and MIT Solve. April 2019

Member of the Working Group of Governance that elaborated the Brazilian Charter on Smart Cities - Ministry of Regional Development and  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Independent lecturer and consultant

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Relevante Publikationen

Barbosa, A. (2022). Sustainable Digital Sovereignty as the basis for the Future of the Internet. Dossiê ComCiencia. No. 240. Available at <> (2022). Education in a scenario of platformization and data economy: partnerships and asymmetries. Working Group of Educational Platforms of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee. Org. Barbosa, A; Cappi, J; Carlos, J; Evangelista, R; Gonsales; P. Available at <> (2022). Community Networks in Brazil: experiences of implementation and challenges for digital inclusion. Sectoral Studies of the Brazilian Network Information Center - Org. Barbosa, A; Cappi. J; Mesquita, L; Nardy; G; Senne, F; Storino; S. Available at <> (2022). Education in a scenario of platformization and data economy: concepts and problems. Working Group of Educational Platforms of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee. Org. Barbosa, A; Cappi, J; Carlos, J; Evangelista, R; Gonsales; P. Available at <> (2021). Contributions to the tackle Disinformation during Electoral Periods. Working Group of Internet and Democracy of the Brazilian Internet Steering Commitee. Org. Barbosa, A; Cappi, J; Mesquita, L; Tresca, L. Available at <>

Barbosa, A.; Costa, J.; Carvalho, C.; Machado, C (2020) Strengthening the appropriate uses of digital identities in Latin America. Report on Digital Identity - Good ID - of the Institute for Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro and supported by the Omidyar Network. Available at <>

Barbosa, A,; Costa, J; Pontes, R (2020). Smart Cities in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Caderno Adenauer - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Fourth Industrial Revolution: innovations, challenges and opportunities. Available at <>

Barbosa, A.; Moraes, T.; Tesima, D.; Pontes, R.; Lima.; A; Zambelli, B (2019). Smart Planning: Tools, Concepts, and Approaches for a Sustainable Digital Transformation. Smart anad Digital Cities. Springer International Publishing. Available at <>

Barbosa, A. (2022). Book review: Bit Tyrants - The Political Economy of Silicon Valley by Rob Larson. Dossê ComCiencia. No. 240. Available at <>