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24.10.2018 -

14:30 Uhr - Weizenbaum Institute, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin

Ariadne Vromen: Citizen Politics, Digital Participation and Storytelling

In her lecture, Senior Fellow Prof. Ariadne Vromen (University of Sydney) will share insights into her research on digital political engagement.

In focusing on the last decade of my research into digital political engagement, Ariadne Vromen demonstrates how citizens use digital media to engage in politics, and shows that these shifts have increased political equality by including more voices in public life. She particularly focuses on the idea of engaged citizenship where processes of personalisation and storytelling now dominate, and there has been a shift away from the norms of the dutiful citizen with set allegiances and ideologies. Furthermore, new advocacy organisations have emerged that use digital tools to challenge traditional politics and existing policy agendas. Their influence has profoundly changed campaigning and advocacy to prioritise emotion driven stories over technical expertise.