14:00 Uhr - 15:00 Uhr | Weizenbaum Institute, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin, Room A1 05
Dr. Christiaan Maasdorp: Digitalisation and temporal focus
In his presentation Christiaan Maasdorp will talk about entail temporal effects of Digitalisation in organisations
Digitalisation entail temporal effects in organisations that are poorly understood. Since digitalisation changes both uncertainty and organisational complexity, it is reasonable to assume that it will have repercussions for how members in the organisation experience time. However, it is unclear in what way it affects their temporal focus, for example whether managers' short-term planning horizons shorten when they have access to live data or whether their long-term planning horizons lengthen, because of improved trend visualisation. The project studies managers' planning horizons (what they consider to be short-, medium-, or long-term planning), their preferred pacing style, and compares these aspects of planning and preference with the digital transformation maturity of their organisations in an effort to understand temporal aspects of digitalisation better.