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Reorganizing Knowledge Practices

This research group investigated how a reorganization of scientific practices along digital principles can contribute to individual and societal self-determination. The relations between science, the individual and society were studied along the themes “impact”, “interdisciplinarity” and “iteration”. Grounded in organization theory and with a focus on qualitative research methods, the research group reflected on new knowledge practices outside and inside the Weizenbaum Institute and developed actionable insights for policy making, business and civil society.

This research group conducted research at the Weizenbaum Institute from 2017 to 2022. In the newly launched research program, research will henceforth be organised in 16 research groups. These will be flanked and supported by the new Weizenbaum Digital Science Center.


In the topic area “impact” the tension between the growing specialisation of scientific practices and the growing demand for a broadly accessible communication of scientific results was explored. Research results from this topic area provide information on how interfaces between scientific communities and their various stakeholders can be organized.


The topic area “interdisciplinarity” was based on the assumption that knowledge about grand social challenges can be gained primarily through forms of scientific cooperation that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. The research findings of this topic area help to organise such hybrid knowledge practices.


The topic area “iteration” investigated how digital technologies change established workflows of knowledge production and how these changes affect the form of knowledge that is produced. In particular, this topic area examined new knowledge practices that rely on ideals of provisionality and revision. The research results of this area offer actionable insights for the use of new knowledge practices, such as Open Peer Review or Open Educational Resources.



Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike, Member of the Board & Director (UdK), Principal Investigator
Dr. Maximilian Heimstädt, Research Group Lead

  • Katharina Berr
  • Sandrine Faißt
  • Eva-Marie Geier
  • Sebastian Koth
  • Moritz Neumann
  • Philipp Stachowiak
  • Clarissa Elisa Walter


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