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Wenting Sun

Doctoral Researcher


Wenting Sun completed her master of education in Tongji University, Shanghai, China. She joined the research group “Computer Science and Society” of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in January 2020 as a Ph.D. student. She joins the research group “Education and Advanced Training in the Digital Society” of the Weizenbaum Institute in March 2021. Her research interests are educational psychology, learning analytics, adult education, learning design.


Doctoral Researcher

Research Group „Bildung und Weiterbildung in der digitalen Gesellschaft


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)

Selected Publications

W. Sun, N. Pinkwart, T. Li: Current State of Learning Analytics: A Synthesis Review Based on the Combination of Activity Theory and Pedagogy[J]. Advancing the Power of Learning Analytics and Big Data in Education, 1-28, 2021.

Q. Chen, W. Sun: Inspiration of the Development of Adult Education under the Influence of Digitization and Skills-Based on the Analysis of "OECD Skills Outlook 2019” [J]. Adult Education (Chinese), 40(02), 65-70, 2020.

