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Dr. Volker Stocker

Research Group Lead
Volker Stocker


Since May 2019, Volker Stocker has been the head of the Research Group “Work and Cooperation in the Sharing Economy” at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (German Internet Institute). He is also a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Internet Network Architectures Group at TU Berlin and an associated researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken. Moreover, he is a member of the Digitalizing Infrastructure Expert Group at the Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) and plays a leading role in the International Telecommunications Society Friendship Circle of Europe.

Before joining the Weizenbaum Institute, Volker was a doctoral researcher (research assistant) at the University of Freiburg (Chair of Network Economics, Competition Economics and Transport Science) where he obtained his doctorate in economics (Dr.rer.pol, with the highest distinction) and the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken. His doctoral thesis was awarded with the Südwestmetall-Förderpreis. He studied at the Universities of Freiburg and Mannheim and the Hanken School of Economicsin Helsinki (Finland) and holds a Diplom degree (Dipl.-Vw.) in Economics. During his time as a doctoral researcher, he has been a lecturer in Economics at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Lörrach and spent time as a visiting researcher at the TU Berlin, the University of Northumbria in Newcastle (UK), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge (US).

In his often interdisciplinary research, Volker investigates the effects of digitization on the economy and society at the intersection between technology, economics/management, and policy. His research focuses on the sharing economy as well as the economics,  evolution,  and regulation of digital infrastructures and the Internet ecosystem.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Research Group Lead:

Research Group „Digital Economy, Internet, Ecosystems and Internet Policy“


Fields of research

  • Sharing Economy
  • Economics of Platforms
  • Infrastructure Sharing
  • Network Economics of the Internet
  • Broadband Policy
  • Internet Policy



Frías, Z. and Stocker, V. (2020b). The Economics of Infrastructure Sharing in 5G Networks, Technology Policy and Ethics IEEE Future Directions Newsletter, July.

Frias, Z. & Stocker, V. (2020). Zur Ökonomie gemeinsamer Ressourcennutzung in 5G Netzen, Ökonomenstimme

Stocker, V. (2020). What is the future of the Internet?, International Telecommunication Society Blog, January.

Stocker, V., Smaragdakis, G. and Lehr, W.H. (2020). The State of Network Neutrality Regulation, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 50(1), 45-59,

Stocker, V. (2020). Innovative Capacity Allocations for All-IP Networks: A Network Economic Analysis of Evolution and Competition in the Internet Ecosystem, Freiburger Studien zur Netzökonomie, Nomos: Baden-Baden.

Briglauer, W., Stocker, V. and Whalley, J. (2020). ‘Public Policy Targets in EU Broadband Markets: The Role of Technological Neutrality’, Telecommunications Policy, Available online 13 February, Article 101908, verfügbar:

Knieps, G. & Stocker, V. (2020). Die Zukunft des Internets: Innovation, Integration und Nachhaltigkeit, Ökonomenstimme, available:

Kolleck, A. and Stocker, V. (2020). Car Sharing in der Krise  Wie beeinflusst Covid-19 die individuelle Mobilität?, Ökonomenstimme.

Briglauer, W. & Stocker, V. (2019). Netzneutralitätspolitik in den USA und in der EU: Stand der Literatur und Politikempfehlungen, Ökonomenstimme, available:

Knieps, G. & Stocker, V. (Hrsg.) (2019a). The Future of the Internet: Innovation, Integration and Sustainability. Nomos: Baden-Baden.

Knieps, G. & Stocker, V. (2019b). Introduction. In: Knieps, G. & Stocker, V. (Hrsg.), The Future of the Internet: Innovation, Integration and Sustainability. Nomos: Baden-Baden, 7-10.

Shukla, A. & Stocker, V. (2019). Navigating the Landscape of Programmable Networks: Looking beyond the Regulatory Status Quo. TPRC47: Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy, Washington D.C., USA, 2019, available:

Stocker, V. (2019). Ecosystem Evolution and End-to-End QoS on the Internet: The (Remaining) Role of Interconnections. In: Knieps, G. & Stocker, V. (Hrsg.), The Future of the Internet: Innovation, Integration and Sustainability. Nomos: Baden-Baden, 171-193.

Stocker, V. & Knieps, G. (2019). Network Neutrality Through the Lens of Network Economics. Review of Network Economics, 17(3), 115-150.

Stocker, V. & Whalley, J. (2019). Who Replies to Consultations, and What Do They Say? The Case of Broadband Universal Service in the UK. Telecommunications Policy, 43(8), Article 101823, available:

Stocker, V. and Whalley, J. (2018). ‘Speed Isn’t Everything – A Multi-criteria Analysis of the Broadband Consumer Experience in the UK’, Telecommunications Policy, 42(1), 1-14.

Stocker, V., Smaragdakis, G., Lehr, W.H. and Bauer, S. (2017). ‘The Growing Complexity of Content Delivery Networks: Challenges and Implications for the Internet Ecosystem’, Telecommunications Policy, 41(10), 1003-1016.

Knieps, G. and Stocker, V. (2016). ‘Price and QoS Differentiation in all-IP Networks’, International Journal of Management and Network Economics, 3(4), 317-335.

Stocker, V. (2015). ‘Interconnection and Capacity Allocation for All-IP Networks: Walled Gardens or Full Integration?’, Paper presented at the 43rd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), George Mason University, Arlington, VA, 25-27 September 2015, verfügbar:

Knieps, G. and Stocker, V. (2015). ‘Network Neutrality Regulation – The Fallacies of Regulatory Market Splits’, Intereconomics, 50(1), 46-51.

Further Publications


Weizenbaum-Institut e.V.

