Dr. Timo Böttcher

Timo Böttcher is an associate researcher in the research group "Digitalisation, Sustainability and Participation" at the Weizenbaum Institute, where he investigates the challenges and benefits of using digital platforms for circular supply chains. His research interests include digital technologies and business models in the circular economy.
Timo Böttcher studied Business Informatics at the Technical University of Munich, DHBW Stuttgart and Swinburne University of Technology. He completed his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich, where he is currently working as a research group leader.
His research results have already been presented in specialist journals (e.g. Information Systems Journal, Journal of Strategic Information Systems) and at international conferences (e.g. ECIS, HICSS, AMCIS, PACIS) and honoured with Best Paper Awards.
Associate Researcher
Research Group: Digitalisation, Sustainability and Participation
Fields of Research
Digital Technologies for the Circular Economy
Business models, sustainability, circular economy, digital, platforms