Sophie Beaucamp, LL.M. (LSE)

Sophie Beaucamp was a research associate and doctoral candidate on the field of law at the Weizenbaum Institute from March 2018 until end of 2021. She graduated in law at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and at the London School of Economics. She then completed her legal clerkship at the Court of Appeal in Berlin (Kammergericht Berlin) with internships at the Department of Financial Services in New York and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture. Her focus of interest is intellectual property law and information technology law.
Former Doctoral Researcher:
Research Group "Trust in Distributed Environments"
Selected Publications
S. Beaucamp, S. Henningsen, M. Florian: „Strafbarkeit durch Speicherung der Bitcoin-Blockchain? Ein Lösungsversuch aus technischer und rechtlicher Sicht“, MMR 2018, 493.
Florian, M./ Beaucamp, S./Henningsen, S./Scheuermann, B.: “Erasing Data from Blockchain Nodes”, to appear in: IEEE Security & Privacy on the Blockchain (IEEE S&B) 2019. Preprint