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Prof. Dr. Sabine Gless

Former Research Fellow
Sabine Gless


Sabine Gless is a Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Proceedings at the University of Basel. Her research and writing analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence on different areas of criminal justice systems, including predictive policing, criminal liability and AI in the courtroom. Sabine Gless and Herbert Zech have been the leading investigators in the project on “Legal challenges posed by Big Data: questions of exploitation and protection” funded by the Swiss National Research Foundation. Read more.

Positions at Weizenbaum Institut

Former Research Fellow

Research Group "Shifts in Norm Setting"

9 - 21 August 2021




Gless, Sabine / Thomas Weigend, Intelligente Agenten als Zeugen im Strafverfahren?, JZ 2021, 612-620.
Gless, Sabine, AI in the Courtroom: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Evidence in Criminal Trials, GJIL, vol. 51 (2020), 195-253.
Gless, Sabine / Wohlers, Wolfgang, Subsumtionsautomat 2.0 - Künstliche Intelligenz statt menschlicher Richter? in: Martin Böse / Kay H. Schumann / Friedrich Toepel (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Urs Kindhäuser, Nomos Verlag 2019, 147-165.
Gless, Sabine / Silverman, Emily / Weigend, Thomas, If Robots cause harm, Who is to blame? Self-driving Cars and Criminal Liability, New Criminal Law Review 19 (2016), 3, 412-436.
Gless, Sabine / Seelmann, Kurt (Hrsg.), Intelligente Agenten und das Recht, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2016, open access
Gless, Sabine / Hafner, Urs (Interview): “Who should be punished if a child is run over by a robotic car?


Faculty of Law, University of Basel